Watersports Day

Playing in the water is good for our mental health… that is what we were told by the expert panelists at several webinars this year. There is something magical about immersing ourselves in water, no matter what the activity.

This fact came as no surprise to any of the camp directors in the audience. Dr. Sevier knew it a hundred years ago (the main reason he built camp here was because of the lake). Swimming was the “backbone” of his program and it continues to play that role to this day.

We have a 500,000-gallon pool complex (complete with a diving well and deep pool suitable for Synchronized Swimming and water polo), a huge waterpark complex, 12 canoes, 30 kayaks, 11 sailboats, pontoons, and a myriad of water toys. In a normal year, it is common for some girls to spend all day in or on the water and we can see the benefits. Everyone loves water!

We flock to the beach or the lake for vacation, Commercial water parks consistently fill to capacity, and boat sales are always solid. And when we want to have a GREAT camp event, we make it a water sports day!

Classes are canceled this morning as we rotate amongst 5 different competition areas where all girls have a chance to win points for their team. The morning ends with a war canoe race and archery exhibition (shooting targets on the island from canoes… exciting!). The winning team gets the “bear” for the rest of camp.

The weather is lovely: partly cloudy with a chance of afternoon and evening showers. We REALLY hope the showers do not impact our Watershow EP that is scheduled to take place at the pool with the campers spread out in their respective groups. It says a lot that there is enough room on the bleachers and surrounding cool deck to make this work. It will be a beautiful evening, one marked by a setting sun and rising moon. The campers have worked very hard to pull off a full water show under Covid restrictions and everyone is excited to see the results. It will certainly be a major hit.

Thanks for checking in. Life is good as we enjoy our last weekend at camp.

  • Breakfast Pancakes and sausage
  • Lunch Pasta with a great salad
  • Dinner Roast Chicken and Green Beans from the garden
  • Weather Partly Cloudy, 80, chance of showers
  • EP Watershow