Sunday #2

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The story of our summer added a great chapter last night. After a glorious sunny day a surprise shower changed our evening program location. The pageant court, which had been very carefully arranged all afternoon, was abandoned as the site for our 5-Year Celebration due to rain. We set up in the FORT after dinner and came up with a new plan. The girls loved sitting in the FORT while the biggest rainstorm of the summer drenched the camp. Thunderclaps and overflowing gutters seemed an appropriate accompaniment to Handel’s Water Music Suite as the girls were recognized. The seniors were amazing… their memories of camp resonating with every girl in the audience. We got to bed late, falling to sleep with the sounds of frogs chirping (clearly, the frogs loved the rain).

Today is the second of our four Sundays. We will run a soggy Stumblers (while it is another beautiful day, yesterday’s rain left some puddles), load our paper plates from the breakfast buffet, enjoy a lazy morning of long showers and organizing our drawers, Church, then a lazy afternoon and a concert on the lawn. It will be a glorious day.

Sundays are intended to be a day of rest. The Lord makes us yearn for such a break and that is true at camp as it is in the real world. The collective sigh is almost palpable as we revel in the slower pace of the schedule and decide how to spend our free time. Some will play their first round of Greystone’s version of March Madness (pickleball or ping pong). Pickleball is a team sport (2 per team) while ping pong is individual… it will take all summer to complete the tournament, the champions will be given their proper recognition and excitement is already building. Some will perform a talent act (today is the first of our Mini Talent shows, some of these acts will be featured in the camper talent show EP later in camp), MANY will watch the acts (which are really entertaining). Waterpark, canoeing, swimming, and pick up games of basketball and ultimate frisbee will also be popular. Also popular will be reading in eno’s or having DMC’s by the lake.

Sounds pretty good doesn’t it?

Thank you for checking in.