
Chances are good that you have never been or will EVER be an Olympic athlete. Amost nobody is that gifted in a sport and we, therefore, do not regret the or begrudge the opportunity. But every 4 years our Main Campers participate in and attend the next best thing… THE JIMBOLYMPIAD, where we celebrate an entire olympiad in an extravagant EP.

Campers vs. Counselors in an epic showdown of physical stamina, internal fortitude, courage, and mental strength. The t-shirts, placemats, and gold medals will become much-desired collectibles in the years to come. The relays, sports matches, games, and contests were hugely entertaining in the moment. The surprise Dippin Dots before the “mental” showdown (a trivia contest) was transformational (some girls had never even heard of Dippin Dots… I think the company has, unfortunately, not thrived). The fireworks “closing” was also a surprise that made the perfect ending to the perfect day.

Wow… camp is great.

So today is Sunday number three. We ran Stumblers, will go to church, eat a big lunch, enjoy a long rest hour, have free activities and clubs in the afternoon. The sky is overcast with a chance of showers this afternoon (per normal), we have a concert scheduled for the EP and are counting on our charmed/blessed weather pattern to hold.

After watching the news about flooding, Fires, Heatwaves, and storms… I think North Carolina might be having the best weather in the entire country/world right now! Yesterday was sublime… the kind of weather that makes ANYTHING a memorable moment. Huge storm clouds occasionally skirting the horizon of an otherwise cloudless blue sky. Temperatures never rose above 80. The breeze never stopped blowing. Birds chirping, Cicadas singing, fish jumping… you get the picture. Not to go on and on, but we are having great weather (and you know how much that means!).

We can’t wait to hear Reid’s message and languish about camp all day. It is a needed change of pace that feeds our bodies and souls. I hope you have a great day too.

Thank you for checking in.