
I am often struck by the amount of dancing at camp.

As I write this, we are in the middle of the day and classes are in full swing. Girls are playing tennis, pickleball, ultimate frisbee, and fishing right outside my window… and all of them are dancing!

This is probably due to the Zumba class that is playing a favorite song loudly. Everyone knows the moves to Zumba and delight when the chance arises to practice… and they do so WHILE STILL DOING their other activities. The line stays in the water with the rod tightly clutched in one hand. Campers are still doing the tennis drills, but when awaiting their time to swing break into dance. Ultimate Frisbee takes a break and the entire class moves as one.

Group Dancing also happens during a meal in the FORT (we sometimes surprise the girls with a song before/during/after a meal) and informal dance parties are always part of the daily cagin routines. Dancing is just fun, it binds a group together in a powerful way. The smiles of delight are huge and our hearts soar whenever it happens… and it never seems to get old!

So last night’s band The Business, a big change from our normal Praise and Worship artists, was such a hit. The girls absolutely LOVED the classic Rhythm and Blues, Motown, big band, party band. We had a blast and prayed that the rain would hold off. Sure enough, the big storms went North and South of camp! The drizzle did nothing to dampen our spirits, if anything it made the party more fun. Good Times.

We are looking forward to tonight’s Seminar Night, an EP where the girls sign up for doing something they think would be fun. The list of activity choices is HUGE (literally 50 plus things that range from Taylor Swift Fan Club to Maintenance Training to laser tag) and the girls can’t wait to make their “camp dreams” come true.

A few Details:

  • Breakfast Truck Drivers Special
  • Lunch Smoked Turkey Sandwiches
  • Dinner Spaghetti Casserole
  • Weather Partly Cloudy, 75 degrees, Chance of rain.

Thank you for checking in.