
Campers want to be able to “go deep” in some of their classes… to play intense tennis games, do intense workouts, swim laps, run longer distances, ride bigger trails, make more elaborate works of art, take Advanced Tennis, achieve their marksmanship goals, or just do an activity with a bunch of intensely interested campers. We provide this experience every day with “Clubs” that meet every afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30.

Every day we have clubs meeting all over camp, enthusiastic campers of all ages led by motivated counselors. We meet in outside settings and are socially distant as we adjust to a more protected (still not perfect, but very good) bubble. The girls started their clubs on Friday and they were a HUGE success. We think that club activities will be a part of Greystone from now on… it just makes sense!

In “the old days” campers filled 14 activity slots with different classes that they would take for the entire camp session. Often they would not sign up for a class just because they were not sure they wanted to take that activity for the whole session… but they were interested in doing it from time to time. Clubs allow that flexibility.

Clubs also add a relaxed “free time” every afternoon, also a popular request from camper surveys. Many girls want time to just hang out, play Jimball, read a book, or take a long shower. After this crazy year, it seemed right to loosen up and give the girls more freedom in their day (especially after our 5 day Covid testing). It has proven to be a huge hit. Check out the Clubs schedule and see if you are not inspired! So much fun!!

  • Breakfast Corn Beef Hash, Scrambled Eggs… we make our own Corn Beef Hash and even have a song we sing when it is served. Granted, it is not that popular… but it is REALLY good.
  • Lunch Shaved Pork Sandwiches
  • Dinner Chicken Bruchetta and Pasta.
  • EP Team Fires (the campers will choose their mascots, elect their team captains, and learn their cheers). It is a big EP that sets the stage for our upcoming Challenge Day.
  • Weather Perfect… slightly warmer, sunny, no chance of rain.

Thank you for checking in.