What Rain?

We have been in a pattern of rain for the past few days. This might come as a surprise to you because I have not mentioned it except in passing… it only now occurs to me that I should say something because it directly impacted the EP last night (and not in a bad way). The fact is, rain doesn’t really bother us at Greystone.

In 2013 it rained every day for five weeks. We had rain forest levels of rain, biblical levels of rain, soul-crushing levels of rain… it caused no end of trouble for the maintenance crew (the mud pit outside of Tentalow 2 was so deep you would lose your rainboots in it) and might have ruined the camper experience… but it didn’t. In fact, it was so crazy fun we talk about it to this day. Campers who returned as counselors brought it up all the time and now it is a favorite topic for alumnae gatherings. It was delightful.

So when it rained yesterday afternoon and evening, we celebrated! We had a massive dance party on the soccer field DURING DINNER, we changed our group EP plans to include trivia and indoor Olympics. We didn’t stress out, we just enjoyed the moment. It was awesome!

This morning the clouds parted and the forecast shifted, no more rain for a while - here comes the sun! We look forward to drying out and enjoying the heat. We ran stumblers on the River Trail and soaked up the beauty of the moment. Fluffy clouds, mist rising from the mountains, songbirds singing, geese frolicking, and horses munching in green pastures. It was such a fun Stumblers, the best we ever had! Running 15 laps does not compare to running on a scenic trail, we will never go back to the old way! If the girls run both Sundays, they get a t-shirt… so everyone will certainly do it.

Then comes church. We will gather in the FORT, cooled by the giant fans as we worship together for the first time. Church service is different from Morning Assembly worship… more significant and including all the elements prescribed by Scripture. Camp church is really good, for many campers and counselors it is the best church they go to… a church with a deeply connected community that loves each other is a REALLY good church! We will post the sermon on our website, as we do for the Morning Assembly messages.

Thank you for checking in. We are grateful for your support!