The Big Show

Last night everyone from the Bungalows to the Cabins had a chance to perform on the big stage. They had spent hours perfecting their acts and their hard work paid off big time! It was a fantastic show… the choreography, the costumes, the unexpected twists. LOTS of fun that was completely expected. Greystone Girls LOVE to be seen. Don’t we all?

I am an introvert and as a child would do my best to avoid attention. This is still true today, but as a camper, at Falling Creek, I slowly learned to appreciate being seen. I attended camp for 7 weeks every summer for 8 years. In my last year, I was elected team captain and appointed to the Honor Council. That next school year, riding the wave of camp confidence, I ran for student body president and was elected in a landslide. To this day, the lessons of camp are paying dividends. Campers do not think of me as an introvert, they think of me as “Jimboy” (a minor celebrity who is very approachable). I am thankful to camp for building social skills that might not have developed so well otherwise.

We see this in the campers every summer and it is one of the reasons that we love doing this work so much. At camp, all are accepted and many are celebrated for their unique personality traits. When the basis of our relationships with each other is kindness and love, it is amazing how the little things that separate us in “the real world” just fall away. Without the crutch/distraction/impediment of a phone in our hand, we make eye contact with a hundred different people in ten minutes. About half of them smile when we do and the confidence that arises lifts our spirits and fills our hearts with appreciation.

If you have never gone to camp you will just have to imagine how wonderful this is and the impact that it can have on a young life. My great-grandfather experienced it first hand when he ran a summer youth program at his church in Augusta. He was so impressed with the simple magic of camp that he started Greystone… not to make money but to impact the Kingdom of Heaven. This social growth is also spiritual growth… which is why it is so powerful. We love participating in this process and are delighted to see that a year off has not negatively impacted the formula. In fact, it is better this year than ever before.

The girls are entering into camp life with abandon and are now beginning to get a little tired. Up to this point, it has been non-stop (dancing before mealtime, running to classes, huge belly laughter, screams of delight, etc.) but at breakfast today we could sense a more mellow response to the “big hair” theme breakfast. The girls were 100% engaged with some amazing creativity and full cabin participation (Chic-Fil-A for the winners made it a big deal), but rather than ear splitting cheers it was enthusiastic clapping with big smiles. We are going to sleep at rest hour today!

Tonight’s EP is Team Fires, we will get the Odds and Evens spirit sky high as we prepare for Challenge Day on Monday… then a great night’s sleep. There is nothing like exhaustion to make a girl appreciate a good night’s sleep!

A few more details…

  • THE EAGLE is becoming a camp mascot. He is seen on the River Trail every day and often provides a show for the observant during EP.

  • FISHING IS GREAT this year. The girls caught over 40 fish yesterday on the fishing dock, it might have been a record. It appears that the bamboo rods (just a stick of bamboo with a fishing line attached to the end) are the reason. The girls can choose to use a spinning rod or a stick… now everyone is using the stick!

  • The Weather is GREAT overcast skies keep it from being hot, afternoon showers during rest hour, clear at night for EP on the Pagent Court. Temperatures in the 80’s. We have a new lightning warning system that is working MUCH BETTER than our old one. No false alarms, more time in the water!

  • Breakfast scrambled eggs, sausage

  • Lunch Chicken Enchaladas

  • Dinner Beef Stroganoff

Thank you very much for providing this growth experience for your daughters. We know it is a big deal to spend the money/time. A big deal to entrust your child to the care of another for such a long time. To be away from the family. We saw your tears as you drove away on Monday morning- tears of happiness mixed with tears of deep emotion. Your little girl is growing up and you know that when you see her again in a couple of weeks she will have changed. Our goal is for that change to have been for the better. We think you will agree that this investment has been worth it!

For the first time in Greystone’s history, we appear to have an eagle mascot! This bald eagle has been feasting upon the tasty carp in the hidden lake and the more delicious (but harder to catch) rainbow trout in green river. We hope that he ends up liking it so much he never leaves!