
I really enjoy Breakfast Club (the motivational moment I share with the girls each morning). I like to think that the girls like it too… for it is a really fun meeting to attend. Short, sweet, and ending with a joke. The subjects are easy to remember and very practical. Today we considered Deliberate Acts of Kindness (DAK).

A deliberate act of kindness is different from a random act of kindness for it requires careful planning and intentionality. When we are tuned into the needs and wants of others, we find ways to serve them in surprising ways and those acts of kindness have a HUGE impact because they reflect Christ.

Jesus did DAK all the time. Each miracle was a deliberate kindness on His part and each person who experienced the miracle was impacted by the love. God loves us in a directed way, when we do so as well it glorifies Him. Not a bad lesson for Taco Cat Tuesday!

Yes, it is once again Taco Cat Tuesday and I could not be happier about that happy fact. You have no idea how joyful it makes the girls to see me wearing this crazy shirt… when I ask what day it is they shout as one and everyone laughs. Silly fun is just plain fun. If you want to surprise your camper in a couple of weeks, show up for breakfast wearing a Taco Cat shirt. Never has a palindrome been more appreciated.

The sunny weather continues, but the humidity has dropped a hair. There is NO chance of rain which makes us very optimistic about having a great Movie Night. We will set up the giant 25-foot blowup screen in the FORT, the giant 15-foot screen in the Pavilion, and have us some socially distant movie time. Popcorn, sodas, candy… a movie that keeps us up late… surrounded by friends who are REALLY INTO the show… it is a lot of fun.

We only do Movie Night one time. One time is FUN, two times can be boring, three times makes a dud. Movie night at home isn’t that special for most families (though we love them in the Miller household and have them whenever the clan returns for holidays). But at camp, movie night at camp is always awesome. I am sure it will be a home run.

A quick word about ceramics, one of our many GREAT fine arts classes. We don’t only offer simple handwork projects, we teach the girls how to actually throw a pot on the wheel… ten girls at a time! You have no idea how inspiring it is to sit down at a wheel and be given a wad of wet clay that transforms under your hands into a beautiful bowl in mere moments. It is harder than you think, but easier too. Once you get the feel of the clay, add plenty of water as you begin, and hold your hand in the proper way… the bowl just rises from the wheel like a miracle. It is like the clay has come to life! No wonder the Bible uses the image of God being the potter and we being the clay. It resonates.

I have ten minutes so let me say a couple of words about the Food at Greystone. Three words: IT IS AWESOME. Really good because it is completely real. We seldom use prepared food (in previous years it was NEVER used prepared food but the difficulties of this year’s system have forced us to take a few shortcuts from time to time… like frozen pancakes, cupcakes). We build our meals from scratch, and that includes the famous Greystone Bread that we smell baking every day of the week. We crack 600 eggs when we serve scrambled eggs. We dice and fry dozens of onions, carrots, and celery stalks when making spaghetti sauce. And we can make hundreds of pizzas or thousands of scones if the circumstances demand. What Gervais accomplishes with his dedicated crew of amateurs (mostly teenagers from Greystone families) is amazing. They play music, laugh, sing, and work in a job that most of you would never consider as worth the effort… and our entire community celebrates their accomplishments every day.

Next time you go to a great restaurant, stick your head in the kitchen and acknowledge the hard work of the people that made that meal happen. They would appreciate the kindness!

  • Breakfast Corn Beef Hash (home made and deliciously crispy)
  • Lunch Ham and Cheese sandwiches
  • Dinner Laura’s Pork Chops

Thanks for checking in.