
Camp is a transformative experience that builds resiliancy, confidence, social skills, physical capabilities, and spiritual insight. It is comprehensive in its effect on the life of a young girl, but that’s not all. Camp is fun!

Last night was all about the fun and the girls absolutely loved it. It was like a girls only camp cruise… to the island of fun! The new Carnival layout spread the girls out on our landsports fields. The softball, golf, and soccer fields were completely given over to inflatable fun and carnival food booths. The effect of this layout was to almost eliminate all lines, chaos, and frantic dashing from thing to thing. It was so chill! Delightful in every way.

The old Carnival was sugar-coated madness that the campers loved… but they loved this better. It required us to rent twice the number of rides and enlist the help of the entire kitchen crew to man the food booths.. but all agreed that it was the best Carnival ever (quite a statement). This was a surprising outcome but consistent with what we are learning in this unusual year.

The preparation to run camp in a completely different manner was hard. The anxiety of this process was felt by all of the Head Staff but as each piece fell into place our confidence grew. By the time the plan was fully set in April, we were genuinely excited about the impact that the new program would have.

More girls enjoying a wider range of classes than ever. A 100% emphasis on the people, not the program would certainly pay dividends. God would surely bless us in this time and those blessings would surely be proportional to the need. He certainly blessed us last night!

From Opening Day to Carnival this expectation has been met and exceeded in many ways. We are thankful.

Today is another perfect day. NO chance of rain, perfect temperatures… again. We are getting used to it, so we encourage the girls to make the most of this day for it is a gift from God. We have only 1 week before Banquet, a fact that the girls did not even realize. None of us did, time flies when you are having fun.

Breakfast Club has moved to Physical Growth and today I encouraged the girls to notice how much they walk when at camp and to do the same thing at home this summer. Often we think we can only go out for a vigorous walk if the weather is perfect but at camp, we play outside in all weather conditions. Sure it is nice today, but it was rainy last week… don’t let the weather keep you from getting out! Daily exercise is part of the Great Day Way!

Breakfast Cinnamon Swirl French Toast with sausage
Lunch Hamburgers
Dinner Mac and Cheese, sliced ham, and squash/zucchini from Farm & Garden! Our first camp-wide harvest has yielded about 75 gallons of giant veggies and that is enough to feed us all. The Farm and Garden girls were so excited!
EP is a surprise… nuff said.

Thank you for your persistent prayers and endless encouragement.