Making Medication at Camp Simple

Our top priority each summer (and especially this one!) is keeping our campers healthy and safe. Every summer we analyze our procedures and protocols to make sure we are doing the best job possible toward that goal, which includes complying with all state and local regulations as well as the guidelines and requirements from the American Camp Association. We are constantly tweaking things to do all of the above better each and every summer!

Medication management has become a huge part of caring for our campers each summer. Over 200 campers in each of our longer sessions bring medication to camp. In recent years, our nurses dispensed approximately 350 regular medications every day and kept over 300 “as needed” medications ready for campers to get as requested. Needless to say, our Health Hut has begun to look like a pharmacy! We take this responsibility very seriously and want to do everything we can to avoid even a single medication error.

This year we have revised our medication policy and wanted to break it down and make it as simple as possible for you. Many camps across the country (and in WNC!) have used this system for years, and although it may seem a little confusing at first, this new process is going to make dispensing medicine at camp safer and more exact than ever!

As we announced in our Parent Handbook,

“New this year: In order to fully comply with state regulations and best practices concerning medication distribution at camp, as well as assure that we are providing the best possible care of our campers, our nurses cannot administer ANY daily medication that has not been prescribed by a medical professional and filled by our local pharmacy. This includes OTC meds such as Zyrtec or Miralax, vitamins, and supplements. If these are necessary for your camper to take regularly while she is at camp, they must be prescribed by your physician and filled by our local pharmacy.

So what exactly does that mean?

  • If your daughter has any medication that she needs to take regularly at camp (including vitamins or supplements), first make sure these are listed in the medication section of her Health History form.
  • You should then download and print the Pharmacy Forms included with her camper forms. You will find a letter for parents as well as a letter for your prescribing physician explaining the process. The forms need to be completed by you and the doctor and returned directly to our local pharmacy, Whitley Drugs, at least 30 days before her session begins.
  • Whitley’s will package the medications in blister packs and deliver them to camp to be ready for your daughter. This allows our nurses time to review the medications, organize them for distribution, and contact you before Opening Day with any questions. This year it will be especially important to have these medications on hand and to speak with you before camp if needed since our Opening Day procedures will be streamlined.

Whitley Drugs has been packaging and dispensing medications this way for other local camps for several years and would be happy to answer any questions. They will use your insurance to cover the cost of the medication but do charge a fee for packaging and delivering these medications ($30 for Junior and August Camps; $60 for June and Main Camps). They will bill you directly for that fee.

What if my daughter only takes her medicine if she needs it?

If she just takes medicine as needed or on an emergency basis, first make sure the medicine is listed on her Health History Form. She can then bring it with her on Opening Day in a Ziploc bag, as long as it is in its original container with labeled instructions. Please be sure to include any notes or special instructions in the bag. The nurses will contact you if they have questions.

What if I have a question about a specific medication or medical situation?

That’s what we’re here for! We need to follow certain safety regulations, but we want to make it as easy as possible on your family.

Our Heath Director, Dr. Margaret Miller, would be happy to talk with you and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to or call camp and ask to speak with her. The more we communicate before your daughter arrives, the better!

I get the medication part, but what are your other health procedures for the summer?

Great question - this is on our minds, and we know you’re wondering about it too.

We have been working nonstop since we closed in 2020 to open in 2021 in a safe and healthy way. We work hard every year to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, but this year we are taking extra precautions and have updated many of our health and safety protocols.

We’ve outlined some general procedures in our Parent Handbook, but will be in touch on April 12th with detailed information on all of our COVID protocols, including masks, cleaning, pre-camp health screening, and more. We want to take the best possible care of your daughter, while still giving her the camp experience she’s been missing, and we are confident that it is going to be a great summer!

Look for an email from us on April 12th with answers to all of your questions, but in the meantime, feel free to contact us if we can do anything for your family.