Your Pre-Camp Checklist - New Camper Blog Series

Hello new camper families! Welcome to our second week in our New Camper Blog series as we count down the days until summer 2021! If you didn’t catch our first blog last week (about why this summer is the PERFECT summer to be a new camper), then make sure to check it out here.

This week, we are providing you with an amazing resource as you begin planning for the summer. Our Parent Handbook has just mailed (have you received yours?), and you will find all of the details you need to prepare for the summer. We share packing lists and explain how to view summer photos and give you the details on how to make a cabin request…everything you need to know can be found in our Handbook.

However, sometimes, you just need an easy-to-reference list of ALL THE THINGS that need to be done before the summer. Today, we are giving you just that! Print off this two-page checklist that details the necessary, must-do items before the summer (on page 1), as well as a great list of optional items that will only better prepare you (and your daughter!) for camp (on page 2).

While this list is very extensive, make sure to reference all of the details in our Parent Handbook to ensure you’re fully prepared. Also, in the spring, we will be announcing a few things you’ll want to add to this list when we give you more details on how we will operate this summer.

We will see you next week for another installment in our New Camper Blog Series. Until then, have a wonderful week!