Tour Greystone from Your Home - New Camper Blog Series

Welcome new camper families to another post in our New Camper blog series! We hope you have been following us each week as we post some new info, and most of all, we hope you are learning a lot.

Today, we are talking about tours. Due to our changes this summer, parents will not be able to go into the cabin area on Opening Day. Because of this, we would love to give your family a tour this spring! It is a great way to see camp and know what everything looks like before you even arrive. If you would like to schedule a tour, fill out our Tour Form, and we will be happy to schedule a tour for you when you are in town. We would love to show you around camp before this summer!

However, we know that visiting camp before the summer may not be a possibility – never fear! We have some great resources for you to “tour” virtually before you arrive:

  • Tour Camp: This is a fun video from a few years ago. A cabin of campers will take you on a “tour” around camp, giving you a feel for the property.

  • Tour a Cabin: You can get an up close view of what a cabin looks like by seeing our cabin tour video. Some things have changed since we created this video, but you can still get the gist of cabin-life.

  • View the Panoramas: We have some really cool panorama-style photos on our website, where you can move around inside the picture. To find these, scroll through our activity pages in our Explore section. You can see the Dining Hall and Flagpole panorama on this first Explore page (just scroll down a little bit). Keep searching on our activity pages – there are quite a few of these panoramas. Looking through these will help you get a better sense of how a particular area looks and feels.

  • Watch Activity Videos: In the same vein, check out the videos we have posted throughout the Explore section, showcasing many of the activity areas. You can find videos scattered throughout activity pages, like our fun Dog Camp video on our Animals page. Not only will you learn about our activities, you will see quite a bit of our facility through these videos.

You can also check out our numerous videos on our Vimeo page (most of which will show you parts of the facility) and make sure to scroll through our website (which has thousands of pictures). Even just doing a few of these things with your daughter will help her to better know what Greystone will look like before she even arrives!

We will be back next week for another New Camper Blog for you!