Staff Profiles Are Live!

Doesn’t that title just need to come with a drumroll?!

You heard it right - our staff profiles are live, so it’s time to hop on over and meet the smart, funny, trustworthy, all-around-incredible and cool-as-can-be counselors who are going to make 2021 the best summer yet!

Our hiring process is meticulous and prayerful at every step, because we know as well as you do - camp is nothing without our staff. And let us tell you right now, the Lord has answered our every prayer with this group! We absolutely adore them, and we know you will too.

So grab a Shasta and come get to know our staff! And remember, this isn’t even everyone. New profiles will be added all the time, so bookmark this page and stop back by. It’s the best way to spend your time before you can finally meet them in person!

P.S. Dreaming about being on our team for this summer? We’re still hiring for a few final positions, but don’t delay! Fill out your application ASAP so we can tell you all about the best job ever.