Join a City Facebook Group - New Groups Added!

One of the questions we get the most in the off-season is “how do I find other camp families in my area?”

We LOVE hearing this, and we get it! There’s something so special about connecting with camp friends outside of the bubble. You know there are Greystone connections everywhere - but how do you find them?

Enter our city Facebook groups! We debuted them last year to provide a simple way for camp people to find each other, arrange meet-ups, and share recommendations.

And now we’re growing our groups! Scroll on through to see the full list of our city groups (and click through to join) - we have added groups for the DC area, Memphis, and the NC Triangle. Don’t have a group in your area yet? Email to request one (we are growing our number all the time!), and in the meantime, join our Greystone Parents group to connect with other parents (including some who might live near you!). We might stay away from technology in the summer, but we love the way it fosters community when we are apart!