A Four-Fold Gift Guide for the Greystone Girl

We love the Christmas season here at camp, for all the reasons you might expect: celebrating the good news of Emmanuel, spending time with friends and families (including our annual camp Christmas lunch!), and of course the anticipation of our first snowfall of the year.

Presents are always a big part of the festivities, and we care about them because to us, they are more than just “stuff.” When we gift generously and joyfully we reflect our God, the giver of all good things! In Him we have abundance (including, of course, the ultimate gift of His Son, who we celebrate this time of year!) so we can give out of that to others.

In that spirit, we’re releasing our annual gift guide for the Greystone Girl, where we’ve compiled our best ideas for meaningful presents to encourage growth and connection. Of course, experiencing camp is the best gift ever, but these are just a few extra ideas!

Gifts for Spiritual Growth

Gifts for Social Growth

  • Our top recommendation? Nothing ever beats a trip to see her camp friends! Help her bridge the gap between summers by having a reunion with her favorite people mid-year.
  • Snail mail may be going out of fashion in the real world, but we still love it in our camp community! Help her flex those muscles with a set of personalized stationary or a return address stamp.
  • Put down your technology and laugh a lot together with a family adventure book where you can scratch off challenges to complete together. After you’re done it becomes a crazy scrapbook of the memories you created!
  • Jazz up your family game nights with a new one you can all enjoy. Check out One Night Ultimate Werewolf (it’s like camp-favorite Mafia!), Skyjo, or an escape room game. This blog post has LOTS more suggestions if you’re in the market!
  • How incredible would it be to create a Boom Box Keepsake Box for your girl, filled with encouragement, memories, and messages from her camp friends and counselors? It’s a gift anyone would treasure forever.
  • Table Topics are a classic, and we love this on-the-go version that will get your family connecting and sharing.

Gifts for Mental Growth

Gifts for Physical Growth

  • Recreate her favorite camp class at home! Look for a rock climbing gym, a shooting range, or a pottery studio in your hometown. You can also gift her an upgraded accessory to pack in her trunk for next summer. Think a new tennis racquet, Crazy Creek, or camera to capture her favorite memories.
  • While calling this “growth” might be a stretch, Christmas is the perfect time to get her some new camp apparel! Our signature sweatshirts are classics, but you could also get her a new pair of Crocs, or a special piece of jewelry.
  • What about making her a custom camp recipe book, filled with all of her favorite camp foods, and a promise to make them together? We have printables paired with each recipe to make them easy to save!