Make this Your Year of 4-Fold Growth

Around here, we love the new year (and not just because it means that camp is on the way!). A new year is a fresh start, a hopeful beginning, a chance to set our intentions for the days and months ahead.

Sounding familiar? That’s exactly what we do at camp when we clap our hands and claim the day, and then set goals at Breakfast Club! We do this for a few very specific reasons.

First of all, we want to grow the way Jesus did. And that’s where goals come in! It can be all too easy to let the days pass in a blur, and then look back on the summer and wonder what you accomplished. Goals allow us to narrow in on what matters, and break it down into manageable steps to make it happen. And the claiming the day part? That’s where we focus on the donut and not on the hole. We truly believe that each day can be great, because it is the day the Lord has made!

Friends, this is the year the Lord has made. You are on this earth right now because He has things for you to accomplish in it, and ways you will glorify him and spread His name the way only you can! That means that goals are not a burden, they are a way to narrow in on what matters.

So what’s going to matter to you this year? What can you do today (and every day after) to feel the way you want to feel? To be the person you want to be? We like to break down our goals into these four categories to make sure we’re growing holistically. We’re giving you ideas to get you started below, but your goals will be personal to you! So take some time this week to be still, and focus on what matters. You will be glad you did come 2022!


We start with this category because it is the most important. Your relationship with God is the foundation for the rest of your life, and informs everything that comes afterwards. Focus on this growth and everything else will fall into place!

  • Take a leaf from Jimboy’s book and read a little bit of the Bible every day.
  • Find a church you love, and make it a priority to worship with others.
  • Start journaling your prayers, and see how the Lord answers them throughout the year.
  • Read a devotional with a friend and talk about it together. Our daily devotions are an easy place to start!


Social growth is so easy at camp, but it takes a little more work in the real world. We were made to be in community, and life just feels better when we’re sharing it with others!

  • Less social media, more IRL friendships.
  • Make it a point to tell the people you love what they mean to you - don’t wait!
  • Deepen the current friendships you have, but also bring others in to the group. Look for ways you can serve someone who might be lonely.
  • Be the kind of friend you want to have. The secret of all of life is unselfishness - not just Greystone!


Mental growth encompasses so much - how we think about ourselves and others, our self-talk, and of course, learning throughout our lives. It’s fun too - so much more than just school!

  • Read what you love. No guilt here - find a genre you love, and read more of it!
  • Bring the camp mindset home and say “It’s going to be a great day and I feel terrific!” every day - see how it changes how you feel.
  • Ask questions. To your grandparents, to your friends, to your babysitter. Be curious, and see what you discover.
  • Notice when the negative self-talk kicks in, and switch it out for something more positive. Talk to yourself the way you would talk to a friend.


We’re spiritual and mental beings, but we’re also physical too! The Bible tells us to take care of our bodies, and we want to do that out of love for our bodies and what they enable us to do.

  • Get some sunshine every day. Even if it’s cold, just bundle up - it’ll make you feel good!
  • Leave your phone outside of your room at night. You’ll sleep so much better, we promise.
  • Find a way of moving that makes you feel good. There are so many options - keep trying them until you find one you enjoy.
  • Drink more water than you think you need. Wash, water, and ’screen applies all year long!

Of course, this is just the beginning! Take this as a jumping off point, and find a balance that feels good to you. Need more inspiration? We’ve got blog posts on how to grow in the cold, more goal ideas, and apps that will help you grow in the 4-fold way.

So what do you think, Greystone Girls? Is 2021 going to be the year you focus on 4-Fold growth? Say it with us:

It’s going to be a great year and we feel terrific!