Head Staff Goal Setting: Progress Update

It’s finally 2021, and we couldn’t be more excited over here at camp! It is finally the YEAR OF CAMP, and since we missed last summer, the countdown to this summer finally feels real as we roll into 2021. We truly can’t wait!

With the new year comes new beginnings, and I bet many of you are setting goals and planning for some fun accomplishments this next year. After the 2020 year that we had, it is surely time for a fresh start!

Last fall, we shared some of our Head Staff goals for this year, and today we’re giving you an update on how we are doing with them. Even though you may have set some lofty 2021 goals, my guess is that some of you may already be feeling the way we are about our goals; it may only be a few days into the year, but guessing there is already some slacking going on for some of you?! We feel it too, as you’ll read below! Some of you are probably doing an excellent job of following JimDaddy’s six-step goal setting plan (if you need a refresher, you can find it here).

No matter where you are, it’s all about progress instead of getting everything perfect, and we sure live by that at camp (as you’ll read below). Let us know what goals you have for the year…we’d love to cheer you along to achieving them!


Spiritual Goal: Read the entire Bible (I am using a 90-day guide book to aid in focusing this effort). I won’t do it in 90 days, but should certainly do it over the course of the year.
Progress: I have found success listening to the Bible with an app, but even so, it looks like it will take longer than expected. Should be done by April. Margaret is on track to finish the entire Bible this month!

Social: Face mask smiling perfected (how to convey a friendly smile while having face covered and being socially distant).
Progress: Successful! It is easy to smile. People respond quickly and are not put off in the least.

Physical: Fast food limited to 2 meals a month maximum, 1 hr. low impact exercise 5 days a week.
Progress: Failure during the holidays, but it is a new Year. JF is going to hold me accountable.

Mental: The art of beekeeping explored and three colonies established by springtime.
Progress: I’ve been reading the book Beekeeping for Idiots, have enlisted help of Heidi at the barn and Kirk in maintenance. We hope to have our colonies be a part of the Farm Barm program…success!


Spiritual: Start journaling again!
Progress: Been fairly consistent! Been doing a Write the Word journal that I love. Makes me have a quiet time more consistently, which is a game changer during this season!

Social: Continue my socially-distant super club with friends in Asheville.
Progress: Been good to keep up with friends and do some distanced outdoor fire chats.

Physical: Have another baby (!!!!!)
Progress: Signed, sealed, delivered!

Mental:Try to read two books a month at least.
Progress: More like one a month, but did read some!


Spiritual: I’m taking a leaf from JB’s book and going to read a little bit of the Bible every day.
Progress: I was definitely not perfect in reading through the New Testament every day, but I managed to do it pretty consistently so I’m counting that as a win. I just finished reading an Advent Devotional last month, and Santa left this praying through the Bible book under the tree so I will start a rhythm with that in the new year!

Physical: Needing a new hobby in quarantine has resulted in me finally being interested in something new - tennis!
Progress: Peter and I played tennis a few times and I got (marginally?) better, and he got to practice a whole lot of patience teaching me. Now that it’s cold I’m shifting to taking Ben the dog on long walks.

Mental: I’ve tried to read 100 books every year for the last couple, and this is finally going to be the year I make it happen! I want to have read 100 books by the new year, and right now I’m on track - so far, so good!
Progress: I’m on track with my reading goal for the year (it’s my favorite way to unwind and spend free time!), but I will admit that my reading always slows right before camp. Just too much on my brain for me to focus… in a good way! So I’m trying to give myself a little grace and do what my mental capacity allows… and if that’s just the Voice right now? I’ll survive. If you have good audiobook recommendations, hit me up!


Spiritual: Committing to at least 5 minutes of focused/non-distracted prayer during my devotional time in the morning.
Progress: Concentrated prayer has been harder than I thought. When my life was not very busy, it was an easier goal, but with the rush of the holidays, it became much harder! I hope to keep focusing on this to become better at prayer.

Social: Socialize our new puppy so that she will be a good camp dog next summer!
Progress: Socializing Pippi for camp is going well. The girls are going to love playing with her this summer!

Physical: Continuing with healthy eating (after taking a quarantine break) and adding at least 3 days a week of walking 20 minutes or more.
Progress: I have been able to continue healthy eating and with a puppy, we are getting good exercise, though with the cold winter days it will become a little harder.

Mental: Tackling 1 storage attic in my house - sorting, organizing and cleaning that attic this fall.
Progress: I am making good progress in the sorting of the things in my attic. Phase 1 is complete, and now in the new year, I will start into the giving away the things I have “cleaned up”.


Spiritual: Start journaling!
Progress: I started out strong but then tapered. I am going to repurpose my challenge and get back at it!

Physical: Get to where I can run 3 miles again (and since it has been soooo long since I ran, this goal might kill me, but I am committing!)
Progress: Somedays I get it done, and on other days not so much. But, then there are days I am busy chasing my grandson Harter, and I think that counts!

Mental: I am enjoying learning about gardening and hope to have a spring and fall garden next summer.
Progress: I’ve got beets, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, peas, and herbs all still coming it. My lemon grove had to move inside. I am enjoying learning about what works and what doesn’t work. Looking forward to planning and planting my spring garden. Gervais has started an earthworm farm, and we are adding our food scraps for them to compost. Who knew you could be so excited about dirt and worms?!


Spiritual: Spend time praying or reading the Bible several times a week. Not only asking God for help, but thanking Him for what we already have.
Progress: Going well and going to continue to pray intentionally.

Social: Get back in the habit of enjoying time with friends. Quarantine has turned me into an introvert!
Progress: Enjoying time with friends before I have a baby.

Physical: Get back in the routine of walking in the mornings!
Progress: Loved walking, and now preparing to birth a baby - ha!

Mental: Choose to read or do an activity rather than turn on the TV after a long day.
Progress: Trying to keep this going and enjoy each day.


Spiritual: Completing a Write the Word journal.
Progress: I am a third of the way through and continuing to use it!

Physical: Run 3 miles. I’ve already signed up for a run training program with my Baby Boot Camp group!
Progress: I completed the run training program, but as the weather got in our way, we stopped doing it. Now I’m getting back into the habit of exercising 5 days a week.

Mental: Keep reading at least 52 books per year, with at least 15 of those being outside of my normal genres of chick lit, YA, the fluff stuff, etc.
Progress: I read 34 books this year, so didn’t quite make it, but it is more than 2 books a month, so I’ll count it as a win!


Spiritual: About to start a socially distanced Bible Study with my friend group - I’m committing to reading and going!
Progress: We met consistently, even when it got very cold! Finished reading Risen Motherhood and It’s Not Supposed to Be this Way.

Social: Want to do a better job of touching base with some friends I haven’t seen in a while due to social distancing.
Progress: Did this more via texting and emails, but need to keep at this goal.

Physical: I just read Carrie Underwood’s book Find Your Path, and it was inspiring. I would love to start lifting weights to get stronger.
Progress: Did this most weeks! Did some body strength type of classes too.

Mental: I’m really into weird American history facts right now, so I want to start reading more about the Presidents. Thinking 2-3 books before the holidays?
Progress: Didn’t quite make it, but about to start The Patriots and listend to a book about the behind the scenes White House life. So sort of did this one?