Camp-Themed Books and Movies to Tide You Over Until Summer

While it is FINALLY the year of camp, we still have a few months to go. Doesn’t the countdown seem like an eternity in January? While you may have to wait quite a few more weeks to actually pull into Tuxedo, we have some reading and movie watching for you with a summer camp theme that can hold you over until summer! The camps from these books and movies may not be Greystone, but enjoy immersing yourself in these fun stories this winter.

Note: We can’t guarantee that everything in each of these books and movies is appropirate for you or your daughter’s age. Please make sure to review them first before reading or watching, and know that some of these are more suited to middle school or older campers.



Grab your movie treats and curl up with one of these camp-themed favorites.

  • Parent Trap: Of course this would make the list. The ultimate camp classic! Which version do you prefer: new or old?
  • It Takes Two: Another oldie but a goody. You can’t beat these twins!
  • Daddy Day Camp: Who’s seen this one? Some good competitive competition never hurt anyone.
  • Scooby Doo: Camp Scare: This may appeal to only a select few, but it’s my kiddos favorite!
  • Ernest Goes to Camp: I used to love this movie, but hard to find these days! Check your library.
  • Holes: Remember that summer that everyone thought Banquet was Holes? This will bring back memories.
  • Addams Family Values: Definitely for the older crowd, but the scenes at Camp Chippewa are priceless.

Which of your favorites did we leave off the list?