Highlights from The Camp Connection

As soon as we made the impossible decision to cancel all sessions for summer 2020, we started brainstorming how to give you a taste of the camp experience at home. You couldn’t trunk up to Tuxedo, but maybe we could bring a little bit of Greystone to you. Thus, the Camp Connection was born!

We knew nothing could compare to being together in person, and we didn’t want to try to replicate every part of camp - it would never be the same! Instead, we wanted to provide resources to make you smile, fill your days in quarantine, and give you a small taste of your summer home. We were starting from scratch, and had no idea if it would be successful, but it was a small way we could serve you during this difficult time, so we threw outselves into it wholeheartedly.

Now looking back at 4 session-worths of Camp Connection, we can say it was a success, thanks to you! Thank you for loving this place even from afar and engaging with us every day since we canceled. Remember that the Camp Connection content isn’t going away! The Junior, June, Main, and August pages will stay live throughout this year, so stop back by whenever you need an activity or want a reminder of the bubble.

It’s a lot of content to look through (11 weeks worth!), so we wanted to break down the highlights in case you wanted to catch up. A HUGE, special thank you to all of our staff who spent their free time helping us with content - we couldn’t have done it without you!

If you missed it, check out…

Of course, the best part? Seeing all of YOU participate!