How to Nurture Your Faith at Home

Feeling close to God at camp is as easy and natural as breathing; after all, our days are structured around prayer and worship and godly relationships. Camp can be such a spiritual “mountaintop,” and every year we get questions from campers about how to keep their faith strong while at home.

No matter what your year looks like, usually you can count on coming back to the bubble every summer to re-root yourself in the truth of the gospel and your relationship with Jesus. But of course, this year went another direction. If you’re anything like us, you may be wondering how you get that close-to-God at camp feeling back when summer 2021 still seems so far away.

There is so much we could encourage you with on this topic, but to start with we’re compiling a few of our favorite resources and words of advice to get you started. We want to hear from you too! How do you keep your faith strong outside of the bubble? What has helped or encouraged you this year? We’d love to add your suggestions to our resource page!

Promises to remember:

  • God is still as close to you at home as He is at camp. We tend to think that God’s presence has left us when we feel far away from Him or discouraged in our faith, and that’s natural. But Deuteronomy 31:6 says with confidence that the Lord goes with us, that He never leaves us. That “never” applies to when you’re home, or doing something scary, or anxious about the year… never means never and you are never alone or without Jesus to help and guide you.
  • He is using everything you face at home for your good. Romans 8:28 tells us that He weaves everything in your life, even the hard and sad and broken things, into something beautiful and good, to make you more like Himself. That’s a hope we can cling to when the world outside of camp feels scary.
  • He will meet all your needs. Another way to say it: Jesus + nothing = everything. Philippians 4:19 shows us that when you leave camp, you can be sure that He is going before you and providing for you every step of the way.
  • We can trust His promises even when we don’t feel them. Joshua 23:14 says that none of God’s promises have failed. He has never broken His word, and He won’t start now! So when you’re feeling far from God, go back to His promises and remind yourself that He keeps them. Ask Him to help you believe His promises are true!

4 habits to practice:

  • As Jimboy says, read a little bit of Scripture every day. We are big fans of devotions (we even have our own that we send out ever day!), but we also believe that Scripture is powerful on it’s own, and it’s never too early to practice reading the Bible for yourself. You can try a reading plan for structure, read through the Psalms or the Gospels, or create a group chat for sharing the verses you read that day. Extra hint: find a time that works for you! The Bible doesn’t say you have to have your quiet time in the morning only. Try reading the Bible before bed, on your lunch break, or while you eat breakfast. What’s most important is that it’s a time you will actually do it!
  • Pray throughout the day. 1 Thessalonians 5 talks about praying without ceasing. We pray a LOT at camp - that’s one of the reasons you feel so close to God here! Find times in your day that you can say a quick prayer, maybe while brushing your teeth, or driving to school, or walking your dog. Just talk to God like you are talking to a friend - it can be a conversation that never totally stops.
  • Find a team to encourage you. One of the reasons we love camp so much is that we’re surrounded by other Christians who cheer us on and lift us up. We’re called to go out into the world, but it’s also important to have Christian friends who can support you day in and day out. Don’t have that support system right now? Seek it out, whether that’s at your school or church or just Facetiming your camp friends. Practice sharing your struggles with each other, and praying for each other in the easy and hard times.
  • Be a part of your local church. Nothing is quite as sweet as church in the Pavilion together at camp, but we believe that the church is an important part of God’s work on earth. No church is perfect, but find one that teaches the gospel and loves people well. Not going to church regularly right now? That’s okay! You can be the one that encourages your family to go. Keep trying until you find one that feels right.

Resources we love:

  • Like we said above, nothing compares to reading actual Scripture, but devotions are a great way to stay close to God and keep learning about Him at home. You can always read our camp Daily Devotions, but try out an app like She Reads Truth, Proverbs 31 Ministries, or the Awake My Soul app. You can also listen to old Morning Assembly and Sunday Sermon talks from camp while you go on a walk or commute to work.
  • Start prayer partners with your friends or family this year. We do them with our head staff team at camp, and it has been the biggest blessing. All it takes is asking someone how you can pray for them - simple as that! Need a techy reminder? The Echo Prayer App helps you keep track of your prayers, reminds you to pray, and lets you share requests with others.
  • Add to your library with books that will remind you of the truth in this season. We think everyone (of all ages!) should have a Jesus Storybook Bible. Also try out camp favorites like For Such a Time as This, New Morning Mercies, and the Blue Book. Want more recommendations? We’ve compiled our favorite resources for all ages (including moms!) on our resource page.

Most of all?

We hope you can rest this year knowing that God has you in His hands. Whether you’re in a season of spiritual growth or one that feels a little more dry, He rejoices over you. He sees you right where you’re at. He has not left you alone. His work in you is not done. He will bring it to completion. He will fight for you, you need only be still! You are SO loved, Greystone Girls.