Main Camp Opening Day and The Camp Connection

Hello Greystone Girls!

Welcome to Main Camp, we are glad you are here! We are very excited to see what the next five weeks are going to be like with you participating in the Camp Connection, for you have always been the best at “getting camp” and making the best out of even hard situations. We know that you will do a great job of connecting and engaging with this community and will lead by example with great attitudes.

It is hard to express the joy that fills our hearts on Opening Day at Main Camp and very hard to express how we miss you. It is very strange to be welcoming you back to camp “virtually” this year, but we are very excited to have you, our biggest fans and our most engaged campers, participating in our community.

Frankly, we didn’t know what to expect when we rolled out the Camp Connection for Junior and June Camps. In the back of our minds was the nagging question of what role “screens” could ever play in providing a “taste of camp”… it might have flopped and not done any good but as it turned out, much to our relief, the Camp Connection was a huge success. We had a great deal of interest and a lot of engagement from the campers and their families so far and we can’t wait to see what happens with YOU guys.

Every time Main Campers play the camp game we find the experience to be so much better than we could have ever imagined. You dance crazier, sing louder, play harder, talk more intensely, listen more intently, and grow more than any other group. We hope that you will take the Camp Connection to the next level and really show us what is possible when you put the Greystone fanatics into the mix.

So on this Opening Day know that we are thinking of you. That we are missing the bunk run, the hot scones, the swim test, the lice checks, the scheduling, the big lunch buffet, the first rest hour, the first assembly, the first flag, the spaghetti dinner, the program presentation, and taps just as much as you are.

It is heart breaking, but it is also comforting to know that you still love camp and still love your camp friends. That you are out there reading this blog is an encouragement to still give God the glory in all things, to be thankful in all things, and to love this camp that brought us all together in the first place.

We love you girls and hope that you will enjoy participating in the Main Camp Connection this year. Nothing can compare with being together in Tuxedo, but we hope this will give you a small taste of the bubble!