June Camp Service Project

Hey Girls!

We are missing you so much at camp right now! Sundays at Greystone are one of our favorite days, and this would have been our first together at June Camp 2020. Stumblers, sugar cereal at breakfast (!), church, and extra free time in the afternoons to be with your friends…what’s not to love?! For this first Sunday, we thought it would be special for us to join together in a service project that will help others and spread cheer at home. Remember the story of Georgia and her knives? Georgia did her best in her “corner”, which was polishing the knives. Because she did her best, others were encouraged to do their best. If we all do our best to spread cheer in our “corner”, maybe others will be encouraged to also!

Here is the idea, you get to pick which project suits you best and then work on it throughout the week! Have FUN!

  1. Cookies for neighbors and/or delivery drivers: this is one of our favorite recipes from cooking (but feel free to make your favorite)!
  2. Dinner for a neighbor Here are some favorites from camp: shepherd’s pie or cheesy chicken
  3. Notes of Gratitude to teachers: make your own cute stationery and write them a note (everyone loves snail mail!)
  4. Set up a neighborhood “can drive” to donate to the local food bank: neighbors can leave cans on their porch and you pick up safely and deliver to a food bank
  5. We loved this Kindness rock project! Paint some cool rocks and spread encouragement in your neighborhood or local park!

Please email a picture of your project to laura@campgreystone.com or ea@campgreystone.com or tag camp in your social media using #whenagreystonegirllovesherneighbor. Check our social media as we add pics and celebrate how your kindness spread cheer in your “corner”!!