Meet Our 2020 Senior Seniors

No one was probably affected more by our cancellation than our 2020 Senior Seniors, the group of girls who have waited for years to make it to their last summer as Greystone campers. We have to brag on this group though! Despite the disappointment, they have showed the Great Day Attitude every step of the way. They have focussed on what’s important and loved and supported each other all year long.

Even though they can’t be at camp this summer, they are still our Seniors, and we want to tell you exactly why they are so amazing. Scroll on through to get to know this incredible group a little bit better. They are kind and genuine and funny and smart, and just about everything else! We know you’re going to love them as much as we do!

Abby M.

Number of years at camp: 10

Hometown: Norfolk, VA

Describe yourself in one word: Caring:)

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I love cats

Candy Shoppe order? FUDGE POP

Dream EP? Sitting on the fishing dock and talking all night long

Camp is special to me because… I met my best friends

Ainsley C.

Number of years at camp: 5

Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO

Describe yourself in one word: Inquisitive

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I’m on my school’s speech and debate team

Favorite camp class? Aerial Yoga

Dream EP? Science Night (cause I’m a nerd)

Camp is special to me because… It’s a place where I can have amazing relationships rooted in a love of the Lord.

Boo C.

Number of years at camp: 11

Hometown: Montgomery, Alabama

Describe yourself in one word: Friendly

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I have a fear of spicy food

Favorite camp class? Adv tennis or synchro

I’ve survived quarantine by…. Going on runs with my dog and watching movies with my family

Camp is special to me because… It has given me unforgettable friendships, an ability to face challenges, and most importantly, a stronger relationship with the Lord

Brinson C.

Number of years at camp: 10

Hometown: Miami, FL

Describe yourself in one word: Happy

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I love all water activities.

Candy Shoppe order? Frittles

Favorite camp meal? Pizza

What would you tell a younger camper? Keep trying camp. My first year at June I cried everyday because I was so homesick and I decided to go back the next year and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. I have met my best friends from camp. Camp relationships are the strongest because you see each other at your best time and worst. You grow along with your friends.

Cate M.

Number of years at camp: 8

Hometown: Houston, Texas

Describe yourself in one word: Joyful

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I love to hunt and fish

Favorite camp meal? BLTs

I’ve survived quarantine by…. Tie-dyeing, running, and FaceTiming friends

What would you tell a younger camper? Stay in touch with your camp friends while we aren’t at camp and during the school year. Write snail mail!

Catharine W.

Number of years at camp: 11

Hometown: Newnan, GA

Describe yourself in one word: chatty

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I love to read at camp

Favorite camp class? Tennis

Dream EP? trick or treating

I’m staying connected to camp this year by…. camp meetups!

Claire M.

Number of years at camp: 6

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Describe yourself in one word: Encouraging

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I love to bake!

Favorite camp class? Free Swim

Favorite camp meal? Cheesy Chicken

What would you tell a younger camper? Keep coming back! It’ll be the best decision you make for yourself.

Eleanor R.

Number of years at camp: 11

Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama

Describe yourself in one word: Loyal

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I’m learning Russian, French, and Mandarin Chinese!

Favorite camp class? Backstage

I’ve survived quarantine by…. Knitting, knitting, and knitting

What would you tell a younger camper? Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try a new class! If you think you’re not going to be good at a class you want to take, take it anyway! I found my love of Backstage on a whim, having never taken it before. Now, it’s my favorite class! Remember to wash, water, and screen, but don’t forget to have fun too.

Eliza D.

Number of Years at camp: 8

Hometown: Old Greenwich, CT

Elizabeth W.

Number of years at camp: 7

Hometown: Dallas, TX

Describe yourself in one word: Outgoing

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I can cry on command

Candy Shoppe order? Italian ice

I’m staying connected to camp this year by…. FaceTiming camp friends

Camp is special to me because… There is no place where I feel closer to God. Greystone is a place where every girl is cherished and loved.

Elly E.

Number of years at camp: 7

Hometown: Lakeland, Florida

Describe yourself in one word: Caring

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… That when I watch the high school musical series with my friends, I always sing along with the cast.

Favorite camp class? Synchronized Swimming

I’m staying connected to camp this year by…. Making all of my camp favorite meals that are shown on the Instagram or the website

Camp is special to me because… It showed me how to be more outgoing and gave me the opportunity to meet some of my best friends

Emeline T.

Number of years at camp: 7

Hometown: Pasadena, CA

Describe yourself in one word: Hardworking

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I fell off of a ski lift in 1st grade and broke both of my wrists.

Dream EP? A giant karaoke night

I’m staying connected to camp this year by…. connecting with my close camp friends, continuing daily devotions, and Zumba!

Camp is special to me because… it’s an opportunity to escape the responsibilities and struggles of life and really take the time to focus on yourself. And you make amazing memories and friendships that you can’t make anywhere else.

Emily H.

Number of years at camp: 11

Hometown: Lexington, KY

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I lead Zumba classes at a fitness facility in Lex!!

Favorite camp class? Bible w/ Sandi & synchro!!

I’ve survived quarantine by…. playing tennis, baking, and hiking:))

Camp is special to me because… not only have I growth so much in the four-food way, I’ve made lifelong friendships with the most kind, loving, and unselfish people.

What would you tell a younger camper? Choosing between camp and sports is really, really hard, but camp is ALWAYS worth it!!!!!!

Emma V.

Number of years at camp: 9

Hometown: Dallas, TX

Describe yourself in one word: kindhearted

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… i’m from oregon

Candy Shoppe order? Klondike bar

I’ve survived quarantine by…. going on walks

Camp is special to me because… it’s where i made lifelong friends

Georgia L.

Number of years at camp: 8

Hometown: Franklin, TN

Describe yourself in one word: Genuine

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… My greatest fear is birds

Favorite camp class? The Senior Play! Everyone needs to do it at least one year of camp.

I’ve survived quarantine by…. Spending quality time with my family, learning how to cook, and reading Harry Potter.

Camp is special to me because… There is no judgement for being who you are and doing what you love. The things I try to hide about myself at home are the things that are most appreciated and celebrated at camp.

Hadden P.

Number of years at camp: 8

Hometown: Augusta, Georgia

Describe yourself in one word: joyful!

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I can hold a 20 second handstand!

Favorite camp class? sewing!

Camp is special to me because… there’s no other place where I feel as “me” as I do than when surrounded by my closest friends within the glory of the mountains.

What would you tell a younger camper? Appreciate every moment! Even when camp starts to feel repetitive or you’re missing out on something at home, truly do cherish every second you have within the wonders of the gates of Greystone. Also, don’t be afraid to try new or weird classes! Get out of your comfort zone and explore! No one is there to judge you, I promise. Lastly, just have fun. Even when you’re sweaty, tired, and maybe even sunburnt (wash-water-screen always!!), find the joy in all the beautiful things around you: the smiles of your friends, the comforting hug of a counselor, the fresh breeze off Edith, there are countless “God-winks” around you! Live it up Greystone girls, this bubble is truly a piece of Heaven on Earth.

Haley T.

Number of years at camp: 8

Hometown: Woodstock, GA

Describe yourself in one word: Passionate

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I’m terrified of Ferris Wheels

Favorite camp class? Free swim!!

Dream EP? Karaoke night!!

I’ve survived quarantine by…. Zoom sleepovers!!

Camp is special to me because… It’s made me who I am today

Hollins P.

Number of years at camp: 9

Hometown: Lynchburg, VA

Describe yourself in one word: Happy

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I have two pet gerbils (and I can’t tell them apart)

Favorite camp class? Tennis

Favorite camp meal? Shepherds Pie

Camp is special to me because… It’s a tradition in my family (three generations of campers)

Kamryn Y.

Number of years at camp: 8

Hometown: Bradenton, Florida

Describe yourself in one word: Bright

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I’m kinda shy

Candy Shoppe order? Frozen M+Ms

Dream EP? Anything in the pool

Camp is special to me because… I am able to embrace my authentic self and experience pure happiness

Kat K.

Number of years at camp: 10

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Describe yourself in one word: Friendly

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I have a dog camp dog- Ellie!

Favorite camp class? Synchro!

I’ve survived quarantine by…. going on lots of walks with my mom and learning how to bake

Camp is special to me because… of christ-centered friendships!

Kate W.

Number of years at camp: 8

Hometown: Dallas, TX

Describe yourself in one word: Unique

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I can touch my tongue to my nose

Favorite camp class? Anything at the pool

I’ve survived quarantine by…. calling my camp friends

Camp is special to me because… it give girls growing up a place where they can feel like a child again

Katie B.

Number of years at camp: 8

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Describe yourself in one word: Organized

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I am a captain of my school’s robotics team

Favorite camp class? Metal Jewelry

Camp is special to me because… It is a place I can come back to every year, and I can just be myself

What would you tell a younger camper? When you are at camp, take the opportunity to go outside of your comfort zone and try new things, because camp is one of the most supportive and welcoming environments you can be part of.

Kendall B.

Number of years at camp: 9

Hometown: Richmond, VA

Describe yourself in one word: Determined

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I train my dogs and compete in dog agility! @cavachon.agility on instagram :)

Favorite camp class? High Adventure!

Favorite camp meal? Poppyseed chicken

Camp is special to me because… I feel at home while I’m at camp, and I’ve made the best memories during my time as a camper. I’ve also met some of my best friends at camp and learned what true friendship looks like. Without camp, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

Lillian P.

Number of years at camp: 10

Hometown: Birmingham, AL

Describe yourself in one word: Ambitious

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I’ve broken 15 bones

Favorite camp meal? Parmesan crusted chicken salad

I’ve survived quarantine by…. Binge watching Disney movies

What would you tell a younger camper? Cherish every minute you have at camp, and take lots of polaroids, camp pictures, and journal about your day. Time flies and it’s nice to have reminders of the bubble.

Lydia W.

Number of years at camp: 10

Hometown: Nashville, TN

Describe yourself in one word: Friendly

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I mountain bike!

Favorite camp class? Sailing

Camp is special to me because… I can be myself without fear of judgement and I get to spend a month with my best friends.

What would you tell a younger camper? Try to bring camp into your daily life as much as possible. For me, that looks like texting my camp friends. Also, take new classes when you can! Don’t get stuck in the same schedule every year. Camp is where you get to try all sorts of new things — take advantage of that!!

Margaret B.

Number of years at camp: 6

Hometown: Sarasota, FL

Describe yourself in one word: Amiable

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I know how to walk on stilts.

Favorite camp class? Archery

I’ve survived quarantine by…. having Zoom meetings with my camp friends.

Camp is special to me because… it is the place where I feel closest to God.

Martha R.

Number of years at camp: 10

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Describe yourself in one word: Bright

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I entered the camp greystone dance competition in 2018

Dream EP? A put cove party (like carnival, but in the lake!)

I’m staying connected to camp this year by…. Have a camp reunion!

Camp is special to me because… It’s the place where I am the happiest best version of myself and it has brought me lasting friendships and role models

Mary Carter L.

Number of years at camp: 8

Hometown: Nashville, TN

Describe yourself in one word: Outgoing

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I like to cook

Candy Shoppe order? Frittles

I’ve survived quarantine by…. Making lots of deserts

Camp is special to me because… It’s my slice of heaven with my best friends

Mary Gray S.

Number of years at camp: 7

Hometown: Winston Salem, North Carolina

Describe yourself in one word: joyful

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… this is the first summer of my life that I haven’t spent at camp

Candy Shoppe order? fudge pop or frix

Camp is special to me because… the lifelong, Christ-centered friendships that exist even outside of the bubble

What would you tell a younger camper? savor every moment you get at camp. jump into the joy and the fun that is camp. run and play and laugh without a worry in the world or fear of the future. most importantly, seek deep friendships with those around you, and lean into the Lord’s kindness.

Mary-Edith C.

Number of years at camp: 10

Hometown: Rocky Mount, NC

Describe yourself in one word: loyal

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… i don’t like corn! haha at corn roast, i’ll stick with the turkey legs!!

Favorite camp class? zumba or sailing!

I’m staying connected to camp this year by…. getting coffee from gervais’ company!!!

Camp is special to me because… it makes me remember the true essence of life and how to love unconditionally

McKenna C.

Number of years at camp: 9

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Describe yourself in one word: thoughtful

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I have a freckle in the shape of a heart on my arm

Favorite camp class? advanced sailing

Dream EP? party barge scavenger hunt on lake edith

Camp is special to me because… camp is a place where I can recharge away from the material world and refocus my relationship with Christ

Mia Farley

Number of years at camp: 6

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Describe yourself in one word: Cheerful

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I love Shirley Temples

Favorite camp meal? Taco in a bag

Camp is special to me because… There is no other place like it, it’s the only place I can truly be myself and I’m surrounded by some of the best people I’ve ever met all while growing in my relationship with Christ.

What would you tell a younger camper? Enjoy every second and every moment at Camp! Before you know it you’ll be going into your senior senior summer, so just take in every moment you’re there! Live in the moment at camp, so roll down the pageant court, eat lots of s’mores, sing as loud as you can to the fast songs at morning assembly, and do all the things you can do at camp that you can’t do anywhere else!

Molly M.

Number of years at camp: 9

Hometown: Concord, NC

Describe yourself in one word: passionate

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I love reading!!

Favorite camp class? senior play!

Camp is special to me because… it has shaped me into who I am today, making me more selfless, confident and strong in my faith!!

What would you tell a younger camper? I would tell any younger camper to keep returning to Greystone for as long as they can!! The summers I have spent at camp are the moments I will remember for the rest of my life and the friendships I know I’ll have forever. As I’ve gotten older, the more I’ve appreciated the escape from the real world pressures and distractions.

Olivia D.

Number of years at camp: 10

Hometown: New York City

Describe yourself in one word: Caring

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I’m one of six siblings

Favorite camp class? Zumba or Water Aerobics

Camp is special to me because… It is a place where I get to be myself, spend time with my best friends, and strengthen my relationship with Christ in a span of five amazing weeks in the bubble.

What would you tell a younger camper? Keep coming back to camp as long as you can!!! You will make the bestest friends and memories that will last a lifetime. Your camp friends will always be there for you, you can always count on them matter what! Each summer just gets better and better, and soon you will realize how much you took for granted being in the bubble for five weeks when you were younger.

Olivia F.

Number of years at camp: 9

Hometown: Dallas, TX

Describe yourself in one word: hardworking

Favorite camp class? Synchronized Swimming

Candy Shoppe order? Kit Kat

I’m staying connected to camp this year by…. reading the blogs and facetime!

Camp is special to me because… of all the wonderful people and all the fun we have in a Christ-centered environment that is the Greystone bubble.

Parker D.

Number of years at camp: 12

Hometown: Hendersonville, NC

Describe yourself in one word: Dependable

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… Libby’s old dog, Honey, now lives with me!

Favorite camp class? Waterpark!

I’ve survived quarantine by…. zoom calls with friends

What would you tell a younger camper? Keep coming! There is so much that camp gives you that you will take on to the real world. The people that you meet will stick for a very long time, if not forever, and will continue to grow closer each year you come back. Somehow your love for camp will continue to get deeper with each year you come back. Also, never stop being yourself.

Quinn F.

Number of years at camp: 11

Hometown: Knoxville, TN

Describe yourself in one word: Empathetic

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I used to wakeboard competitively

Favorite camp class? Tennis and zumba

Camp is special to me because… they introduced me to my best friends

What would you tell a younger camper? Enjoy your time as a younger camper because time flies and try the corn beef hash it’s pretty good.

Samantha B.

Number of years at camp: 10

Hometown: Marietta, Georgia

Describe yourself in one word: Spontaneous

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I have never eaten a cheese stick before!

Favorite camp class? Ceramics

Candy Shoppe order? frit frat

I’ve survived quarantine by…. finishing the knitting project I started four years ago

Sarah G.

Number of years at camp: 6

Hometown: Mountain Home, AR

Describe yourself in one word: Happy (am I at camp Greystone🎶)

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I like corned beef hash!

I’ve survived quarantine by…. Rereading all of my favorite books!!

Camp is special to me because… It’s a place away from technology where I can be myself and work on building better relationships- both with my peers and with the Lord.

What would you tell a younger camper? I would tell her to really branch out and try new things! Camp is a place where you can do things not available at home and have so much FUN doing them! Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone- you might really enjoy it!!

Sarah H.

Number of years at camp: 9

Hometown: Dallas, TX

Describe yourself in one word: fearless

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… i can burp my abc’s

Favorite camp class? FISHING

Camp is special to me because… it’s the one place you can completely escape reality and truly be yourself. it’s a place where you have no pre set expectations of you accept to be kind. camp is special to me because i know i am wanted and loved in the bubble.

What would you tell a younger camper? go to main camp AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and stay until you cannot anymore. i know school and life seem to get in the way of camp but trust me you can always find a way to come back. camp is a necessity it is a reset button it is a place that brings you closer to yourself your friends and especially god. cherish every year you have at greystone because before you know it you’ll be a senior senior and you’ll be wondering where the time went. and finally you are beautiful important kind and loved.

Sarah H.

Number of years at camp: 9

Hometown: Mountain Brook, Alabama

Describe yourself in one word: Calm

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… My love for collecting sneakers

Favorite camp class? High Ropes

I’m staying connected to camp this year by…. Cooking camp recipes

Camp is special to me because… It allows me go grow closer to god. I also have many extremely hilarious memories with my cabinmates.

Sarah J.

Number of years at camp: 8

Hometown: Vienna, VA

Describe yourself in one word: Spontaneous

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I’m on an air rifle team

Favorite camp class? Riflery

Favorite camp meal? pizza

Camp is special to me because… for an entire month you’re surrounded by hundreds of people that genuinely care about you

Sarah P.

Number of years at camp: 11

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Describe yourself in one word: Joyful

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… I am terrified of the blob!

Candy Shoppe order? Klondike Bar

Camp is special to me because… CG is a place where I can escape worldly pressures and experience God’s presence in an unfiltered way which has allowed me to see who I really am. I made my lifelong best friends at Greystone!

What would you tell a younger camper? Go all in even if it’s a little scary! I came when I was seven years old because it sounded fun having no idea it would totally change my life.

Susanna N.

Number of years at camp: 10

Hometown: Dallas, TX

Describe yourself in one word: passionate

One thing you wouldn’t guess about me is… My dream is to live in Botswana or Kenya doing conservation work. Also, I’m a huge cinephile.

Favorite camp class? cheerleading (go gym dawgs)

I’ve survived quarantine by…. Reading, painting, and watching the Office.

Camp is special to me because… Without camp, I don’t think I would have a relationship with God. Camp has given me the chance to experience the Lord’s presence in an indescribable way, and I’m forever grateful to Greystone for giving me a slice of heaven and the greatest friends.