Catching up with our Camp Pigs

While life has been throwing most of us some pretty crazy changes, some of Greystone’s residents are still up to their normal routines. Who am I talking about? Why, Millie and Edith, of course! If you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Millie and Edith, they are the two pigs who call Farm and Garden home. I caught up with the two of them and their good friend Virginia Miller, who they are overjoyed to have home with them!

The biggest update of all is that these girls moved into a new piggy palace this fall. Our talented Maintenance team built a spacious pen right down the hill from Farm and Garden, with plenty of room for the girls to play. It’s safe to say that they’re loving the new spot, though they do enjoy breaking out and roaming around from time to time!

Our porcine pals definitely have their own personalities, much like your dog or cat at home would. I sat down with them and talked about all things camp! I hope you enjoy our conversation.

Millie says hello!

Caroline: Girls, it’s a pleasure to get to talk with y’all today. How have y’all been enjoying this nice spring weather?

Edith: Not gonna lie, this pen is really nice and all, but the real fun is getting out and enjoying camp! There’s so much to do this time of year. If I’m not breaking out and trying to tear up Katie Grant’s yard or eating Murray and Meme’s food, I’m not living!

Millie: Oh, you know, those things are fine and all, but I’m more about a quiet day at camp. Laying out in the sun, smiling at everyone who passes by the pen…that’s my pace of life.

Caroline: Wow, sounds like y’all have been having a lot of fun! What’s the part of the day you look forward to the most?

Edith: Two words - dinner. Time. Best time of the day every single day.

Our girl Edith!

Millie: When Virginia comes out to say hello! Or anyone, really. Love a visitor to the pen! OR running down hills as fast as I can! Unless we get to go inside Jimboy’s house. That’s definitely a highlight! Truly, I love it all.

Caroline: I’m a big fan of dinnertime myself, Edith. Girls, do y’all have any thoughts for our Greystone girls at home?

Edith: You don’t need to leave home to be adventurous - look at us! Enjoy the people you’re with. Millie and I spend all day every day together and we’re the best of friends!

Millie: Exactly right, Edith! We love each and every one of you Greystone girls and are eagerly awaiting the day we can all be together again.

Caroline: Thanks, girls! Great to catch up with y’all!

There you have it! Millie and Edith were great sports. If you’re looking for more pig content, you can check out Jimboy’s Piggy Picnic video - a classic for the ages! Thank you to Millie, Edith, and especially Virginia Miller!