Camp Trends to Bring into the Real World

Camp has a way of sticking with us in unexpected ways. The feeling of having a camp song stuck in your head but no one to sing it to might be a familiar feeling, or a penchant for reaching for wacky green and gold clothes “just in case.” From the silly to the serious, some camp trends are worth emulating at home. I’ve compiled a list of some highlights to take with you wherever you go!

Smiling constantly
If you’ve been to camp, you recognize that there are some adjustments you make once you get there. We get used to sharing space, walking up hills, reapplying sunscreen throughout the day, and walking to the back of Apple Cart! We also get used to smiling all the time! It’s not always our default in the real world, but at camp, there’s no better way to be approachable and make friends. It might not feel natural at first, but a conscious effort to smile, smile, smile at home will go a long way!

Bringing your water bottle everywhere
All Greystone girls know that hydration is key! At camp, my water bottle is pretty much always at arm’s reach. Whether I’m trekking across camp, sitting in the office, or filling up at that sweet, sweet ice hut, I’m constantly drinking water. Let that habit flow into the real world, too!

Shoppe dates
Not that you have to have actual Shoppe - though I do recommend some frozen Oreos for a nice treat! Really, a Shoppe date is about carving out some time in the day to have a conversation with a friend - or friends. My parents live 300 miles away, but we’ve been “going on walks” together - talking on the phone while they walk in their neighborhood and I walk in mine! No need to do anything fancy - any time where you’re prioritizing conversation with someone you love will do.

Taking any occasion to wear a costume
At camp, almost every day feels like a costume party of sorts, from the camp-specific (green and gold on Challenge Day) to the Patriotic (red, white, and blue on the 4th), to the absurd (crazy theme meals at your table). Maybe it doesn’t feel like there’s much occasion for a costume party when you’re stuck at home, but maybe it’s time to make one! Come up with a theme meal for your family or celebrate a [random holiday] with a costume!

Breakfast Club - starting every day in a great way
One of the things I love the most about camp is being in a routine. We know what’s coming and anticipate the ebbs and flows of each day, from a quiet moment at flag before breakfast to the sweetness of post-EP golden hour. You don’t need to do an actual Breakfast Club each day, though you can. But starting your day in a positive way, whether that’s reading your Bible, family joke time, or listening to a pump-up song, will keep that momentum going all day - just like at camp!

Is there a camp trend you’ve brought into the real world that you want to share with us? We’d love to hear it! Send us a comment or email and tell us about it!