To Our Junior and June Campers: What Your Directors Want You to Know

Dear Greystone Girls,

First of all, how are you doing? You have been heavy on our hearts and minds this last week. We wish we could give you a big hug (and maybe a warm scone) right now, but just know that we are sending you lots of love.

The decision to cancel Junior and June Camp was the hardest one we’ve ever made, but the hardest part of it? Knowing how it would affect YOU. We spend the entire year reading your suggestions from last year, praying for you, and dreaming up the best camp session ever that would bring a smile to your face. So doing something that would disappoint you just felt like the worst thing ever.

Now that you’ve had a few days for the news to sink in, there’re a few things we want you to know and remember in the days and weeks to come.

  • We are sad with you. We have cried many, many tears about this decision. Every emotion you’re feeling? We’re feeling it too. You are not alone in it! We invite you to pray with us that the Lord would use this for good, and that He would comfort all the girls and families who may be feeling sad.
  • We still love you and want to keep in touch with you! You are still our campers, and you are still on our hearts! We may not be seeing you in person this year, but we would love to hear from you. Write us letters, tell us your ideas for camp, and follow us on social media. Don’t be a stranger!
  • We are still planning to make this summer great for you. We are now working hard to give you as close to a camp experience as possible during your session. Of course, the magic of camp is really being together, but we still want to give you a taste, even if we’re far apart. Stay tuned for more details, but we are getting excited about it!
  • The wait will be worth it. The countdown has already begun in our minds for 2021! We are going to spend this whole year brainstorming and dreaming about how to make next year live up to all your dreams, but one thing we know for sure? Just being back together after a time apart is going to feel so sweet. “The bubble” will be here waiting for you, Greystone Girls, and it is going to feel even better after being gone from it!
  • The Gospel is still true. This is the time to preach the good news to ourselves over and over. God and His promises to us have not changed. He is using this for good in our lives, and to bring us closer to Him. He sees us and hears us in our sorrow. He loves us with that never stopping, never giving up, always and forever love like it says in the Jesus Storybook Bible. This truth remains firm, no matter what is going on in the world!

We love you, we’ll miss you, we hope we’ll see ALL of you next year!

Jimboy, Margaret, and Katie