Taking a Break - New Camper Blog Series

Hello New Camper Families!

It’s another Tuesday, which means another week in our New Camper Blog Series. It has been a difficult week at camp after our heartbreaking decision to cancel our Junior and June Camps for this summer. Our Junior and June sessions are filled with new campers, and we know so many of your daughters are so very sad about waiting another year to attend camp. We are so sad too!

If you have a daughter who would have been a camper at our Junior or June Camps this summer and is now having to wait another year for her first summer at camp, help keep her engaged with us!

  • Keep writing your penpal. You can still keep that camp friendship going, even if you won’t meet in person this year.
  • Wear your Greystone t-shirt with pride. All of our new campers should have received a new camper shirt in the mail from us, and we hope your daughter can wear it often as she thinks about camp!
  • Keep reading the blog and following our social media accounts. Your daugther may not be old enough to scroll the blog or hop on Instagram, but both are a fun thing to do together once a week. Show her the pictures we are posting and talk about them. Read her some of the blogs as she eats breakfast in the morning. It is a great way to think about camp and to keep the excitement up!
  • Talk up the virtual camp activities she will be able to do. Our new campers are at an advantage as they will be able to do something none of our other new campers have ever had the chance to do - experience camp before you even arrive! We will be providing glimpses into the camp life for your daughter to experience in ways that will help her get a feel for camp. While it won’t be the same as a real camp experience, she can look forward to having this pre-camp experience! We will be in touch soon with details.

For our Main and August new campers, we are going to take a break from our New Camper Blog Series for a few weeks until we get a little closer to the start of those sessions. Make sure to read over some past blogs and check back in the next few weeks for some new posts for the upcoming summer.

We love our new campers!!