Quarantine Advice from Your Favorite Counselors

Life has turned topsy-turvy for most of us in the last month, and if you’re anything like us, you’ve experienced every emotion in the book… sometimes all in the same day! There are so many sources out there giving advice and telling you how to feel right now. Family members and youth group leaders and teachers are great (the best!), but sometimes a girl just wants to hear from her camp counselor!

So we polled some of your favorite counselors from last year, and some who are on staff this year, for their best quarantine advice. How do you stay sane while staying inside? What do you turn to when you’re not sure what to do? Read on for all the wisdom - we know it was just what we needed to hear today!

What to do…

  • Make a routine, and try to stick to it You’ll be amazed how much better you feel. And trust us, resist the urge to stay up all night on Youtube or TikTok - they will still be there in the morning!
  • Find the little ways to make celebrate the extra time the Lord has given you! Have a theme night, have a family “olympics”, try a dance class on youtube with your camp friends (a ZOOMba), and take the time to look for the donut even in the midst of the chaos.
  • Be intentional with your family during this time! How often do you get uninterrupted time with your siblings and parents? Take this as an opportunity to get to know them in ways you don’t know yet. Ask silly, deep and funny questions! Maybe try a new game with everyone or even plan themed meals (some ideas: breakfast in bed, backyard picnic lunch, movie theater dinner and airplane dinner). If you fill each moment with something special, you’ll remember this sweet time forever!
  • Take advantage of the stillness of this time! Despite what the world tells us, we do not have to fill every waking moment so that we are busy. Sit in the stillness & listen - God is with us. Spend extra time in the Word & hear the encouragement of our Father who cares & loves us.
  • Try waking up clapping your hands one morning and say, “Today’s going to be a great day and I feel terrific!” Starting the day with positivity can set the whole day right.

Ways to keep busy…

  • Foster a pet from your local animal shelter!
  • Get outside as much as possible even if it’s just for a drive around town or a walk! It’s helping me feel less trapped/stuck at home!
  • Try to watch a funny episode of a tv show that you like to keep yourself laughing, try to exercise so you can release some endorphins, call a camp friend! Know that there is a reason for this madness we just don’t know it yet, listen to podcasts, be nice to your siblings.
  • Write snail mail.
  • Perfect time to read/re-read the Harry Potter series, or any of your favorites from when you were younger!
  • Read a book, cook new recipes, start a prayer journal, learn a new skill like chess or painting, dye Easter eggs, do a family kickball game, learn how to do a cartwheel, etc. So much time to do these things without school in the way!
  • Start that bullet journal you haven’t gotten around to yet! Try to find a new way of expressing yourself through some art and calligraphy, and stay organized while you’re at it!
  • Dance around your room to your favorite camp songs!

Resources we love…

  • Check out Go Noodle for fun videos to help you stay active. They offer yoga, Zumba, mindfulness, and more!
  • Find a daily devotion to read that you love! Check out our resources page for recommendations by age, or subscribe to the camp Daily Devotions.
  • Keep up with your favorite camp musicians during the quarantine on social media. Don’t miss Drew Holcomb’s daily Kitchen Covers, or he and Ellie’s live house concerts. Introduce your family to Verses, one of our most unexpected favorites of last summer - they are made for a dance party!
  • If you haven’t already, download Zoom or Marco Polo to keep in touch with your camp friends. Don’t miss that we have camp Zoom Backgrounds to really take it to the next level. Check out House Party to play games together too!
  • Get creative about ways to bring the feeling of camp home! Missing the rain on the tin roof of your cabin? Listen to the sounds of a summer thunderstorm. Wake up to Reveille and go to bed to Taps. Have an apple at 11:30 am. Schedule yourself a Rest Hour every day. Or just try out some camp recipes for your family.

Most of all?

Keep reminding yourself of what is true, even when things are hard! The same God who you grew close to at camp is still there today, and He hasn’t moved. He is faithful. He is good. He loves you more than you can even imagine!

Bring out your camp memories to help encourage you. Re-read those plane letters. Go back through your notes from Bible classes or Morning Assembly devotions. Reach out to your camp friends, or us too! We still love you and are here for you right now.

This too shall pass. God is still working in your life and in the world to make all things new. Before too long we will all be able to be back together again, but for now, just know that we are thinking about you and singing this over you…

Goodnight, my God is watching o’er you. Goodnight, His presence goes before you. Goodnight, and I’ll be praying for you. So goodnight and may God bless you.