An Open Letter to Our Main and August Campers

Dear Main and August campers,

How is everyone doing?? Our announcement last week affected every person in our camp community. Obviously Junior and June campers got hit the hardest, but we know this has been a toll on you as well!

We know that for many of you, camp is the bright spot of your year. You spend every day from Closing to next year’s Opening counting the days, texting your camp friends, and trying to remember the lessons you learned in the bubble. We know because we feel the same about the summer! We were finally getting to the point in the year where camp felt CLOSE, and then two sessions were canceled.

This probably threw you for a huge loop. What if my session gets canceled? What about my sister who is a Junior or June Camper? What about other things I love that might be canceled? ugh. We feel you on all of the uncertainty, because we are feeling it too. This pandemic is HARD. None of us has ever done it before. No matter what stage you are at in life, your world has been rocked. You know where we’re going to tell you to turn, don’t you? To Jesus, friends.

This is not a surprise to Him. He is still on the throne. He sees you in your fear and worry. He is close and He is good! If you haven’t already, don’t miss Sandi’s latest devotions, on disappointment and responding to this pandemic - they were written just for you! Also check out a Morning Assembly at Home or listen to old Morning Assembly devotions and Sunday Sermons from camp. If in doubt, just pull out your camp Bible. Jesus still wants to speak to you and comfort you right now!

You are in our minds and our hearts with every prayer we pray and decision we make. Here’s a few things we want you to know right now…

  • First of all, we are doing everything we can to have your session still happen! There is so much out of our control, but rest assured that we want to have you at camp just as much as you want to be here. We are researching every option, talking to experts, and praying as hard as we can. The health and safety of our community is our top priority always, but if we can have camp safely, we will!
  • We know the waiting is hard. This in-between is not fun! We crave certainty not only because we hope camp will happen, but because that is what we were made for as people. As Sandi pointed out, every hope deferred on earth points us to the ultimate fulfillment we have in Christ. He is steady and sure in this world that is changing every day. Let’s hold on to Him and the certainty of His promises together!
  • We have you in mind with everything we do! We think about you and pray for you all year long as we plan for the summer, and that has only increased now. We know these last couple months have been hard. We know you want camp to happen so very badly. We are praying for you, friends, and promise you that we never forget you in all of these plans and decisions!
  • Stay in touch with your camp friends. No one gets what you’re feeling better than them! Keep writing your Penpal. Write a letter to your counselor. Be the one to initiate that cabin Zoom call. Just because you can’t be with your camp friends in person, doesn’t mean we still can’t have that community!
  • We invite you to pray with us! Join in on our month of prayer or start your own with our 31 Days of Prayer Challenge. Pray for all the experts and essential workers who are fighting to make our communities a safe place. Pray that the Lord would make a way for us to have camp, but most of all, pray that His will be done in this place.

We are feeling all the emotions with you! Let’s remind ourselves of what is true. God loves you. He loves Greystone! His will be done.

We love you and want to be a support to you right now, so keep in touch with us! We are hoping and praying we can welcome you back to the bubble so very soon.