The Georgia Willis Challenge: Join Us!

Right now it feels like there is very little in our control. Plans are cancelled, families are isolated, and the needs of the world feel so very great. How can just one girl make a difference?

By focussing on what we can control! We may not know the future, but we can be intentional about making the small world around us just a little bit brighter. Enter the Georgia Willis Challenge!

You may remember the Council Fire story of Georgia and her knives, but we’ll refresh your memory. It’s one of our favorites!

Georgia Willis was a humble girl who worked as a housekeeper. One day as she was going about her day and polishing the knives, she decided that she was going to spend a little extra time and really make them shine. As she polished she sang, “In this world of darkness, we must shine, you in your small corner, and I in mine.” It may have been a small job, but it was in “her corner” and she was going to do it as best as she could.

That small act of service had a ripple effect through her community. As others saw Georgia going above and beyond, they were inspired to do that little bit extra too. When everyone spends a little bit of time to bless others, the consequences can be huge!

So this week, we want to challenge you to ask: what (or who!) is in my corner? How can you look around you for ways to be a blessing? Maybe that means calling an elderly relative to check in. Or donating time or money to an organization helping people. Maybe that looks like cleaning up after yourself or playing a game with a sibling to give your parents a break. You can choose not to complain all week, or to make a gratitude list. That’s the thing about your corner - it doesn’t need to be extravagant or world changing, it just needs to be a start!

To participate…

  1. Write what you’re claiming to do on a piece of paper with the hashtag #GeorgiaWillisChallenge - it can be anything!
  2. Take a picture of you with your paper and share it with us. You can email it to, or share it with us on social media! Just make sure to tag us or send it to us in a direct message. We’ll then share the pictures and see the ripple effects of small choices making the world better.

We can’t wait to see how you’re going to shine in your small corners, Greystone Girls!