How to Make Even Today a Great Day

If you’re anything like us, this last week has held every emotion imaginable as we process the impact of Covid-19 on our lives. Fear, confusion, gratitude, helplessness, uncertainty, and so, so many questions. The weight of the world and its worries are heavy, and there is so much out of our control. What’s a Greystone Girl to do?

Take a deep breath, remember what’s true, and engage that Great Day spirit! It’s still available to you, and in fact, it may be more needed now than ever.

The Great Day attitude isn’t about turning a blind eye to the news, or faking a smile when you don’t feel like it. It’s putting into action the truth of Scripture, and acknowledging that our hope through Jesus is secure.

This (yes, THIS!) is the day the Lord has made. He is good. He is faithful to His promises. He commands us not to fear, but to give our anxieties to Him. We can draw near to Him. He (not our circumstances) is the source of our security and peace.

But what does that look like right now? Scroll on for a few ways you can hold your light high in your community this week. Our camp community is huge! Imagine the impact we would have if all of us made today just a little better for those around us?

  1. Tell yourself what is true. Over and over again, as many times as it takes to believe it! We hear so many messages all day long from the news and social media and our friends. We have to be vigilant to center ourselves in Scripture and what Jesus says is true. Whether that’s texting scripture verses to your cabin group text, reading through devotions about worry, or putting on a huge playlist (over 2,000 songs!) to remind yourself not to fear, be proactive about reminding yourself of the Truth on a daily basis. This is more important now than ever!
  2. Look for ways to be a blessing. It’s so easy during times like this to focus inward - what does this mean for me? How do I feel about this? But the other side of the coin? This is an incredible opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in your local community. The coronavirus has left many people in need and vulnerable. What would it look like for you to use the time you have to serve? Maybe that looks like donating food or supplies. You can check in with your neighbors, or offer to babysit for a mom who has children home from school now. Keep your eyes open in the coming days for ways that you can use your gifts to be a blessing to others.
  3. Bring a little bit of camp to your daily routine. No matter what stage of life you’re in, there are probably parts of your day that have been turned upside down. Get creative and incorporate a bit of camp into the space you now have - smiles guaranteed! Use the bugles to give some structure to your day. Cook a favorite camp recipe for dinner. Read the Daily Devotions as a family. Home all day? Mandate a Rest Hour for everyone in your house! Send some snail mail to your relatives or camp friends. Start the day with some Morning Assembly dances. The options are endless - have fun with it!
  4. Reach out to your camp friends. Social distancing can be hard and lonely, so use the technology we have to create community with the people you love most! FaceTime your bunkmate on a whim. Set a time for your whole cabin to watch a movie at the same time and talk about it. Text your counselor to see how her college is affected. Send a care package, or finally put that postcard in the mail you’ve been meaning to send. Our camp community shines when things get hard. Can we see this situation as an opportunity to put love into action?

We are sending love to ALL of you during this crazy time. Know of a camp family in need? Have a suggestion for a way we can support our community right now? Don’t hesitate to reach out. We are counting down the days until we can all be back in the Bubble together for summer 2020, but in the meantime stay safe and healthy, friends, and remember most of all…

Wherever you may wander, whatever be your goal, keep your eye on the donut, and not upon the hole.