Connecting with Your Camp Community: As a New Camp Family

This year we’ve been walking through all the ways to engage with YOUR camp community, whether you’re a camper, previous staff member, or alumna. The Greystone community is an expansive and warm place. No matter where you fall, there’s a place for you here!

Today we get to delve into what that looks like for perhaps our favorite people every year: our new camp families! Getting to welcome new families to camp is one of the greatest joys of our jobs. We want you to feel comfortable, at peace, and taken care of every step of the way.

Everyone here knows how it feels to be new to camp because we’ve all been there at one point, and we know the rollercoaster of emotions it brings. Over the next few months, you’ll receive mailings, emails, and all kinds of instructions aimed to answer your every question. We even do a whole blog series specifically for new campers!

Today we want to show that your camp community can start before you even drive through the gates for the first time. Whether you take advantage of one resource here, or dive in for all of it, you can be confident that you have a place at Greystone, and we are thrilled that you are joining us for summer 2020! This community is yours now too.

  1. Ask all of your questions! Nothing is silly or too small; that is why we are here! Contact us any time to talk through your questions or concerns. There’s nothing we love more than talking about camp, and we’d love to connect with you before the summer! pays special attention to our new campers, and is a great person to reach out to as you’re preparing for your first summer.
  2. Join a group. Have Facebook? Join our Parents Group to connect with other camp parents, ask questions, or get recommendations from other parents who have been there before. Check to see if there’s a city Facebook group near you to connect with other camp families and friends in your area before you even arrive. Make sure you’re following along on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to see the latest updates on everything going on at camp.
  3. Get to know your Penpal. Every camper will receive a Penpal in the mail before camp. Take advantage of this fun way to make a friend before you even arrive! Help your daughter to remember to write back, and reach out to exhange information with the other parent. Keep your eyes peeled for information coming your way in the spring about our Parent Penpal program too!
  4. Explore our website. There’s so much there that will help you and your daughter prepare and get excited for your first year at Greystone. Take a virtual tour, learn about cabin life, and check out a sample summer menu. Meet the directors you’ll come to love, and subscribe to our blog for all the latest updates. The Parent section is a wealth of information about every aspect of a summer at camp.

Resources we love:

  • Watch camp videos. There’s no better way to get excited for the summer ahead than watching fun videos together. Check out highlights from previous sessions, special event videos, and see FAQs from our directors. Say goodbye to your productivity for the day!
  • Read through the archives of our New Camper Blog Series. We’ve been doing it for years, so there is a lot there! Check out tips from fellow parents, see what a day in the life looks like, and get all the hacks for unpacking on Opening Day. If you’re wondering about it, chances we’ve talked about it before on a blog! Our 2020 series will launch mid-February, so check back then!
  • Check out the Greystone Dictionary. Feeling a little lost with all the camp terminology? We’ve broken it all down for you here. Flip through it, but don’t stress, you’ll pick up on everything quickly once you’re here!
  • Subscribe to the Daily Devotions. You may not be at camp yet, but you can still hear incredible truth from our counselors and ministers every day. Some families like to read the devotion every morning before school together! You can also check out archives of Morning Assembly talks too to get a taste of camp.
  • Listen to the sounds of camp. Subscribe to our Spotify channel and learn camp songs on SoundCloud. Want to get used to what it sounds like to fall asleep in a camp cabin? Turn your sound machine on to the cricket sounds - close your eyes and you might as well be in your bunk!
  • Scroll through our helpful hints to feel extra prepared. We’ve compiled the best hints and hacks from the people that know best - our current parents! We’ve also got a blog all about insider hacks if you want to take it to the next level.
  • Most of all? Start praying for your daughter’s summer! Pray for her counselor, the friends she’ll make, and the things she’s going to learn. We are confident that it is going to be a great summer for her, and we cannot wait to meet her on Opening Day!