A camper’s life is full of many choices: Fruit Bar or Salad Bar? Edges or down in the Pit? Skittles or M&Ms? But no choice may be harder than which classes to select for her schedule!
We offer more than 50 classes for girls to choose from, and with that variety, there’s something for everyone. Whether she’s artsy, sporty, likes adventure, or a combination of it all, any camper is going to find classes she LOVES.
We’re all on the hunt for that perfect schedule, but the truth is, our campers’ ideal schedules are as gloriously different as the girls themselves! Knowing that, we posed the question to our campers and alums: what is the perfect class in your mind, and why?
Whether you’re a new camper, or an old Greystone Girl looking to expand your class horizons, read on - you might just be convinced to take something you never considered!