A Day in the Office

If you’ve been in the Hostess Cabin during the summer, you know that it’s a flurry of activity. The phone is ringing constantly, the hostesses are in and out ringing the bell, and a steady stream of tours are coming and going. And that’s just upstairs! Things aren’t quite so busy during the off-season, but we do still have lots going on. Allow me to take you through a day in the office!

The office opens at 9, and the usual morning routine is coffee and catching up on emails and voicemails. Our team keeps up with every camper who will be attending camp in 2020, whether that’s answering questions, keeping the waitlist updated, or sending out invoices.

Our Program Director, Ellen-Anne, is deep in hiring season right now, so we’ll usually catch up about who she has on the schedule that day. We’re putting together an incredible staff for 2020!

A good day in the office means that whoever is around that day will gather at the big table in the lower office for lunch! Something you might not know about the office crew is that pretty much everyone loves to cook, so a lot of the time we’ll talk about what we’re making for dinner. We also love to see the latest videos and pictures of Ellen-Anne’s son, Harboe, and Alli’s daughter, Ann Murphy!

If we have time, Ellen-Anne and I will take a walk to check out some of camp’s construction progress. We’ll take our dogs, Harry and Baker, who you may have met at dog camp!

One of the things I’ve been doing a lot of lately is sending a contract prize to welcome our 2020 staff! I’ll take them to the Zirconia Post Office to be sent all around the country! The postmaster, Rhonda, and I have become friends so she’ll give me all of Tuxedo’s latest news.

Some of the things we’re working on are still top secret, but here are some hints - we’ve been talking a lot about what will be new in 2020, from stickers to classes to elements of the schedule! We still have a lot of work left to do to to make our dreams a reality, but every day, we get a little closer to the best summer yet!

Do you still have burning questions about what goes on in the office each day? Let us know - I’d love to help answer them!