What We're Into: Fall Faves

We are entering a glorious season up at camp (Fall!!!), so what better time for our Head Staff crew to share some of our current favorites? Enjoy!


Favorite activity for a chilly night : A real fire in the fireplace!

Recipe I’m trying for Thanksgiving: Butternut Green Curry Soup

Book I’m reading: An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott

Camp recipe I’ve been making at home recently: Solveig’s Lasagna Elegante

The Fall season wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t: Rake Leaves and lie down in a big pile (the smell reminds me of childhood)

Football team I’m cheering for: UNC Tarheels

If you were at camp right now, I think you’d love this the most: The afternoon light on the lake is amazing!

If you were at camp right now, I think this would surprise you the most: The debris from the recent hurricane (the lake flooded and brought with it a lot of junk, including a portable toilet)

Favorite chili recipe: The Broadbent Chili (1 pound ground beef, 2 onions, 3 cans diced tomatos, 1 jar chili sauce, 2 T chili powder, 1 can pinto beans) served with sides of raisins, toasted coconut, toasted pecans

The thing that just makes me laugh so much right now: Trying to imitate TikTok dances


Favorite activity for a chilly night: Building a Fire and then watching a good movie

Book I’m reading: The New Rules of Aging Well - HA!

Something you may not know that I am “into” during the fall season: House organizing to get ready for the Holidays

Camp recipe I’ve been making at home recently: Roasted Broccoli

Warm fall drink of choice: Coffee with real cream

If you were at camp right now, I think you’d love this the most: The Japanese Maple by Jimball - it is the most amazing Red Color!

If you were at camp right now, I think this would surprise you the most: How Many big logs are in Lake Edith from this last HUGE rain from the recent hurricane

Favorite chili recipe: Vegetarian Chili with Eggplant, Peppers, and Black Beans


Favorite activity for a chilly night: We have been watching Harry Potter :)

Recipe I’m trying for Thanksgiving: Want to try a few roast chicken recipes from Salt Fat Acid Heat instead of Turkey - it’s just too dry in my opinion!

Book I’m reading: All The Light We Cannot See

I can’t stop listening to: The Oh Hellos have a few new albums out - so good!

The Fall season wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t: Take a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We always take Jimmy John’s and watch the sunset!

A fun change I’ve made this season (that stemmed from Covid but has been good): Less phone/TV and more reading

Favorite chili recipe: Tuscan white bean soup from Salt Fat Acid Heat (see a trend here?!)

My favorite jacket right now: Patagonia Bivy Vest - I LIVE in it!

The thing that just makes me laugh so much right now: Nevada voting memes last week


Favorite activity for a chilly night: sitting by the fire

Recipe I’m trying for Thanksgiving: I’m sticking with the traditional menu (who needs change this year?)

Book I’m reading: Proverbs #GreystoneReadsProverbs

Something you may not know that I am “into” during the fall season: my fall garden = broccoli, kale, spinach, peas

Camp recipe I’ve been making at home recently: The camp lemon caesar dressing, but on kale instead of romaine

The Fall season wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t: get a fire going everyday

Football team I’m cheering for: the Packers (green and gold!)

Warm fall drink of choice: Little River Roasting Coffee

If you were at camp right now, I think you’d love this the most: the weather

If you were at camp right now, I think this would surprise you the most: how quiet it is

The thing that just makes me laugh so much right now: My grandsons Harter and Levi - they delight me daily


Book I’m reading: I read one or two books from the Chief Inspector Gamache series every year when the weather turns cold

Something you may not know that I am “into” during the fall season: picking a food and then trying to find the “best” recipe, so I end up trying many different versions; this year it is chili; any recommendations? Please !

Camp recipe I’ve been making at home recently: we eat “snack dinner” a lot, so these Reunion Appetizers are hitting the spot

A fun change I’ve made this season (that stemmed from Covid but has been good): we’ve started doing theme meals at our house and Halloween’s “snack dinner” was a huge hit; excited to come up with some fun meals for the upcoming holidays (like our annual Feliz Navidad party!)

Football team I’m cheering for: Clemson Tigers! If you’ve seen the sunrise recently, it has often been orange and purple…just a sign that Jesus must be a Clemson fan too!

If you were at camp right now, I think you’d love this the most: Getting to run across the pageant court - the grass is so green!

If you were at camp right now, I think this would surprise you the most: That it’s kind of creepy walking through the cabins when no one is there


Favorite activity for a chilly night: Binge-reading a great book while I’ve got something sweet in the oven!

Recipe I’m trying for Thanksgiving: Half Baked Harvest’s Homemade Brown Sugar Poptarts - we’ll see how it goes

Book I’m reading: I just finished Breath and now am spending way too much mental effort trying to breath “correctly”

I can’t stop listening to: Bachelorette Recap Podcasts #guiltypleasure

Camp recipe I’ve been making at home recently: Chicken Enchiladas are on our roster for this week!

A fun change I’ve made this season (that stemmed from Covid but has been good): Our church community group is now meeting (masked and socially distant!) outside around a fire and under the stars and I don’t think we should ever go back inside!

Football team I’m cheering for: whichever mascot is a dog

Favorite chili recipe: Any recipe with Dr. Margaret’s family mix-ins: raisins, pecans, sour cream, and toasted coconut - don’t knock it ’till you try it!

The thing that just makes me laugh so much right now: The Popcast and watching our dog Ben trying to find his toys that get stuck under the couch - bless his heart.


Recipe I’m trying for Thanksgiving: None! We’re ordering out for Thanksgiving for the first time ever!

Book I’m reading: Midnight Sun

Camp recipe I’ve been making at home recently: Cheesy Chicken but with Zoodles

The Fall season wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t: Eat apple donuts from the local orchards

Football team I’m cheering for: Clemson

Warm fall drink of choice: Hot Chocolate

Favorite chili recipe: Meat, beans, onions, tomatoes, and seasoning plus LOTS of cheese and crackers when you eat it

My favorite jacket right now: any Patagonia Vest

The thing that just makes me laugh so much right now: Animal clips from FailArmy