Take It from Our Campers

We spend a lot of time here talking about the events, activities, and staff that make camp great, but the heart of it all? Our campers! They are the center of everything we do, and we spend all year brainstorming ways to make camp incredible for each girl who comes through the gates.

Getting to spend the summer helping girls grow and just showing them how to have FUN is the priviledge of our lives, but what do our campers actually have to say about their time at camp? Every year, our campers fill out Memory Sheets recording their thoughts as the summer closes, and we’ve compiled just a few quotes here.

Wondering what a summer at Greystone is like for our campers? Read on!

I love Greystone because…

  • “Everyone is so nice!” Clara, Junior Camper
  • “No boys!” Cameron, Junior Camper
  • “You can be weird, funny, anything you want” Mary Kendall, June Camper
  • “You can disconnect from the world and not worry about what people think.” Avery, June Camper
  • “Greystone makes girls feel alive and gets them out of their shells” Bennett, June Camper
  • “Here I feel whole and loved and I cherish my friends here more than anything.” Bailey, Main Camper
  • “Everyone is so kind and generous that it spreads happiness all around to everyone.” Olivia, Main Camper
  • “I love Greystone because it is the sleepover that never ends!” Ansley, August Camper

Something I learned this summer…

  • “Not everything can fit in one trunk!” Stephanie, June Camper
  • “I learned to be more independent.” Audrey, June Camper
  • “I don’t have to be perfect all the time” Ainsley, Main Camper
  • “I am capable of eating a whole loaf of bread in one meal” Lula, Main Camper * “How to be quiet during Rest Hour” Campbell, Main Camper
  • “God doesn’t love us because of what we’ve done, He just loves us” Zoe, Main Camper
  • “How long Jimboy’s Breakfast Club stories can be” Annsley, August Camper
  • “I actually like spinach” Annie, August Camper
  • “The meaning of life” Georgia, August Camper

I never want to forget…

  • “I caught my first fish!!” Maggie, June Camper
  • “Facing fears and lots of firsts” Everett, June Camper
  • “Love your neighbor as yourself, unless it’s your cabin, then love them more.” Mary, June Camper
  • “My counselor and the bread and honey.” Susannah, June Camper
  • “How I was really sad to leave my family and to go to camp but in the end all I did is have fun!” Finley, June Camper
  • “How much everybody loves me for me.” Merritt, June Camper
  • “How much you can connect to people without a phone, and it brings you closer to God.” Avery, Main Camper
  • “How loved I felt this session.” Eliza, Main Camper
  • “I will always have friends here.” Laura Grace, Junior Camper

This summer was…

  • “This summer was: unbelievably astoundingly amazing. (In other words, I had a blast).” Lucie, June Camper
  • “Meaningful” Caroline, June Camper
  • “Like a preview of heaven” Margaret, June Camper
  • “Beyond my expectations and went way too fast.” Lucy, Main Camper
  • “I didn’t like it - I LOVED it!” Ailey, August Camper
  • “The best. Better than my birthday!” Morgan, Junior Camper
  • “The greatest thing on earth!” Eliza Grace, Junior Camper
  • “The best ever! 8 years and it just keeps getting better and better.” Caroline, June Camper
  • “Absolutely, without a doubt, my most meaningful and transformative, and incredible summer ever.” Emily, Main Camper