A Tribute to Our 2019 Staff

August Camp ended a little over a month ago, and the sounds of laughter and DMCs ringing throughout camp have been replaced by the sounds of Murray barking, thrilled to be off-leash again, and Maintenance carts on their way to prep camp for our upcoming 100th Reunion. Every year around this time, I’m reminded that camp is special because of the people. Our campers and counselors the heartbeat of this place. They build the Holy Spirit-infused community that makes up the Bubble. Without the people, camp is just a place. Even the skies seem less blue and the lake views a little duller without you.

One group that contributes to camp in an incredibly significant way is our staff. From May 28th (or earlier) from August 9th, our staff gives all of their time and energy to making our campers feel seen and loved. From teaching classes to moving benches to having DMCs to serving plates, our staff loves this place and our campers in myriad ways! Scroll through our slideshow for a look at the folks who made summer 2019 our best summer yet!