Our Last Sunday

Today is the last Sunday of our 100th year. At Greystone this fact is a big deal… for Greystone has always celebrated Sundays, it is part of our DNA. My Great Grandfather was a minister, and he baked a great day of worship into the camp tradition and we continue it to this day. Not out a sense of just “doing the same thing” but out of a sense of excellence. We find Sundays to be hugely restorative and good for the “feel” of camp. I will miss camp church next week!

It has been a very active week, our “work” has been fun but we are ready for a change of pace. To have a day that is deliberately slower paced is a delight to us all. Of course, at August Camp the “slower” pace just means a jam packed day of fun!

Anyone who does not want to sleep in gathers at the track for a running club (Greystone Stumblers) at 8:00. About 400 girls showed up on a crisp overcast morning to run or walk three miles before breakfast. The still waters of Lake Edith reflect the surrounding trees and mountains, geese rest on the shore, horses graze in the fields… all ignoring the crowd of chattering girls. It relaxing, fun and inspirational in a way that is very “camp”. Later on you will see lots of pictures of the girls in their super soft and comfy Stumblers t-shirts.

Breakfast is a light buffet of muffins, fruit, cereal, and juice. We then clean up the cabins, get showered up and dressed in our Sunday finest for Sunday School and Church. Our traditional Sunday worship time is led by our minister, David Speakman, and we look forward to it. Church is a place with deeply connected people gathered together to worship God, by that definition Greystone is one of the best churches possible. We know each other very well by now, the love of Jesus has been experienced in the way we relate to each other for day after day. We have laughed, cried, played, and prayed together in a way that binds us together strongly.

After church we will enjoy a big lunch (lasagna and ice cream sundays), take a long nap, then comes Challenge Day! The odds and the evens will enjoy good natured competition as cabin groups do lots of fun relay races and fun games all afternoon. We top the day off with a big picnic, then comes the icing on the cake: a really fun Movie Night EP.

The upcoming week will be a non stop, fast paced, well orchestrated, giant exclamation point on a wonderful summer. We can’t wait!

Thank you for checking in. Hope you have a Great Day.