Birthday Ball

A light rain started our day but the clouds gradually burned off and we ended up with another beautiful day: warm sunshine, cool breezes, and a chance of afternoon showers. North Carolina is awesome!

The girls have certainly settled into camp. This process takes about a week and once we have made the adjustment we are in the right frame of mind to really enjoy camp life. Everyone managed yesterdays slower pace with ease. They didn’t care a bit when a brief rain shower forced us inside for the opening games of Challenge Day and they embraced the relays on the wet grass with squeals of delight. Lots of happy faces, a great afternoon followed by a great night (we watched “Elf” and sang Christmas songs). Another great day.

Camp is so much fun. Part of the fun comes from the routines of the day (bugles and bells prompt frantic running, every gathering provides a great chance to talk and laugh). There joy in such a world! The girls love their classes, love mealtime, love their cabins, and love their free time (eno’s, tether ball, jim ball, 9 square in the air, card games, and showers). They anticipate each meal, guessing the menu based on what they see and smell at the Dining Hall. They mark off each day with anticipation, knowing that every day is going to be bigger and better than the one before. It makes for a very engaging place indeed!

We give a lot of tours this time of year, providing a chance for us to hear an outsiders perspective on camp life. Most visitors leave camp with two sentiments:

  • How nice everyone is (campers wave, counselors greet, smiles on every face).
  • They are amazed at what happens when the bell rings (girls running in every direction… it is crazy!).
  • They are surprised at how nice the camp looks (it really is a beautiful place).

I don’t think there is a sweeter, more encouraging, nicer place in the world. At this point of the summer I am reminded of how great camp life is and wonder how we will adjust to the real world next week. It will be an abrupt change for us all.

Tonight we will honor the birthday girls and celebrate Greystone’s 100th anniversary… it is going to be a blast! Any camper who has a birthday at camp gets a seat at the head table with Dr. Margaret and me. We give them party hats, favors, and a birthday card. They are served by the Head Staff and we finish the meal with a dining hall dance party, sing happy birthday to Greystone, and blow out gold candles on freshly baked cupcakes! After dinner the birthday girls will be the guests of honor at our nicest EP of the session… the Camper Talent Show. It will be a long show (it is a very talented camp) but the night will go on with a super cool fireworks show by the lake. It will be a night to remember!

Food today:

  • Breakfast: Waffles and Sausage
  • Lunch: Ham and Cheese Sandwiches
  • Dinner: Chicken Fingers, Mac and Cheese, Roasted Broccoli

Thank you for checking in.