The Big Shows

Last night we have a lovely night at the theater. It was almost perfect! A great meal, beautiful evening, wonderful show (despite the surprise rain storm that seemed to never end). The girls loved the play, loved the surprise pizza delivery afterwards, loved the late night movie (National Treasure), and loved the surprise t-shirt gift (a tye dye with my face). Slam Dunk Program.

I love the theater. Every aspect resonates: the script (always appealing to an English major), the back stage work, the acting, and showtime. I even like the clean up afterwards! A theater production requires epic effort on the part of every person, especially extravagant when the show is only performed once. Weeks of work for an hour on the stage. Tonight’s Production Night, Tomorrow’s Water Show, Monday’s Horse Show and Senior Play are ALL the same way. Why do we put ourselves through such a wringer?

Because it is awesome!

  • Awesome for the audience. The well known story and songs of this much beloved musical made the Junior’s nuanced performance of The Little Mermaid that much more appreciated. Every other show has a similar impact.
  • Awesome for the actors. Rehersals are a blast… they progress from super laid back to super intense as the days pass, nerves gradually building as they realize that time is running out. Then it all comes together in the last minute… SO much fun.
  • Awesome for the crew. Backstage Crew is a world all to itself. There is a fellowship and bond that develops in this setting that others do not understand. They are a quieter group, one that is most happy when perfection is achieved with apparently no effort. The subtle thrill from this selfless struggle is particularly keen when the actors delight in the skill of the crew (something that happens all the time, particularly on the performance night).
  • Awesome for the director counselors. The pride of the directors during and after a show is very similar to the pride of parents on graduation day. From the first day when roles are assigned, to showtime… the work of a director never ends. They work behind the scenes to assure that every aspect of the show is successful. They train the crew on the technical side of things and encourage them in the art of their work. They coach the actors in their performance, choreograph their dances, train their voices, and build up their confidence so that they can be convincing on stage. It is a wonderful gift to direct a play. A huge task that provides a huge harvest. These counselors are usually the most loved of all the camp staff. For good reason. There will be one more play this summer, Monday’s production of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The girls have really embraced the challenge and their enthusiasm makes us confident in the outcome. It is going to be Awesome!

Today is another perfect day. The temperatures are a warm 85 degrees, there is light cloud cover, a light breeze off the lake… kind of a post card setting. We feel the hours slipping through our fingers, for some it is exciting and for others it is sad. A noticable nostalgia is evident, particularly after dinner as the girls sit around the campus in groups of two… deep in conversation. The DMC’s are in full swing and are flavoring the camp experience in a profound way.

The Menu today:

  • Breakfast: Chic-Fil-A biscuits (Surprise!)
  • Lunch: Pork Chops
  • Dinner: Pizza

EP tonight is Production Night… every activity area in camp that has a show they want to perform gets a moment on stage. Literally a cast of hundreds! Fantastic variety show.

Pizza at Greystone is a MAJOR event!