In The Zone

Sometimes everything just works perfectly… well yesterday was one of those days. I suspect that this is going to be one of those weeks… it feels like we are in the groove and God is going to make this summer something special.

If you read the blog yesterday you know we changed up our Sunday morning routine (skip Stumblers, skip Sunday School, Church at 10, world cup at 11). It sounded great to me, but would it suit the campers? Would there be too much down time (with a free morning and a free afternoon)? Changing beloved routines are not lightly done and we wondered if this one was a good idea. And there was another looming question: what about the concert? A new band, just found on the internet… what if they don’t get camp? A Lots of questions.

It all worked out perfectly.

The relaxed pace of the morning was wonderful. It was a very muggy morning, making difficult conditions to run three miles. It is so hard to cool off after getting hot and sweaty first thing in the morning… the girls were so happy to avoid the discomfort and be fresh for church. Matt gave a fantastic sermon, then the girls were free to do whatever they wanted for the rest of the morning. The World Cup started with about 300 Greystone girls cheering them on. The cheers literally echoed up the Green River Valley. Really memorable to have seen such a pivotal moment in woman’s sports with such a great group of women. Such days are remembered.

The afternoon was pretty normal, enhanced by sunny skies. Our power went off at 3:30 in the afternoon but it was rapidly restored about 2 hours later (no explanation from the power company). Then came the concert… Drum Roll!

Last week we hosted Drew and Ellie Holcomb for our first concert on the lawn. Perhaps the most perfect evening we could imagine. The girls absolutely love Ellie and it is always hard to follow her footsteps. We took a gamble by choosing a completely new group with a completely different style of music. Two couples from Australia who are new to the business forming a band called Verses. Sarah got a reccomendation and she thought it worth a gamble. I watched them on YouTube and agreed… but neither of us knew if the chemistry would be good. To top it off, this style of music works best in the Pavilion (remember how hot and muggy it was?). Things could have been bad… BUT IT WAS AMAZING!!! The whole camp was singing along, dancing, totally into the whole thing. The band was really encouraged by the response and with every song the energy and connection grew. It was an amazing concert! Way better than expected! We heard girls say that it was their favorite EP of the entire summer! Check them out… your girls are sure to be talking about them.

Another interesting thing about this band. They want to be the best band, writing the best music, for the Glory of God. Their website has “Jesus” in huge block letters on the homepage (no mistaking what to expect). Their music is free (they do not charge for the songs they write, for they feel that the songs belong to God). They are the real deal.. the girls love them… we REALLY hope they come back to camp next year!

Details of the day:

  • Weather: Hot with afternoon showers
  • EP: Movie Night (Seniors go to town for dinner too)
  • Breakfast: Bagles
  • Lunch: Shepherds Pie
  • Dinner: Spaghetti Casserole
  • JB: I’ve had a virus (first time in years), but am hanging in there!