Group Night

Last night was a blow out night… the first night that camp separated into “groups” to do something special for EP. There were 7 special activities for 7 special groups… not a “dud” activity to be found. Excitment grew all afternoon and by the time the buses were pulling into camp it was all anyone could talk about.

We took one group to a trampoline park in Greenville, one to a baseball game in Asheville, we cooked wood fired pizza’s at a Putt Cove water party, a Llama party with milkshakes, a “Unicorn Party” with train wrecks, a Thunderhead adventure for the senior girls, and a dinner party at Jimboy’s.

Margaret and I hosted the 9th graders at our house for a nice dinner party. A local catering company provided amazing food, but the biggest hit of the evening was just being together. Most of these girls have been coming to camp for a very long time… many will find this is their last summer as a camper. Fifteen and sixteen year olds are seldom campers in camp. You certainly understand how this is true… they have very busy schedules… it is possible this will be their last year at camp. We wanted to take a moment to thank them for their love of camp and contribution to our community.

Margaret and I enjoyed showering attention on this wonderful group. They really like this tradition and look forward to it (a dinner party at our house is a treat…. we have a really cool house!). They get dressed up and hang out in the house my Great Grandfather lived in “back in the day”. It is where I grew up and where Margaret and I raised our children. A place of memories and special moments shared with our extended family for a hundred years. Pretty special!

Today is Challenge Day, a break in the routine that always occurs at the ten day mark of Main Camp. We have found that it takes ten days for the girls to settle into the bubble of camp. They are relaxed and ready for the routine to break up a bit… so we skip morning classes in order to have camp wide games of green vs. gold. Volleyball, Soccer, Field Hockey, Tennis, Archery, Riflery, Relay Games, and softball are all on the schedule. We will eat hot dogs at the softball game then go to an early rest hour (everyone is a bit tired from last night).

  • Breakfast: Waffles
  • Lunch: “Ballpark” Hot Dogs
  • Dinner: Cheese Raviolli

EP is a huge game show… Head Staff against the campers… prizes… a sure fire hit.