Fifty Four

Five Year last night was spectacular.

The Senior videos were a huge hit. The girls were funny, sweet, articulate, and all the emotions of the night really came through. The unexpected hit of the night was a slideshow of pictures of the Seniors throughout their years at camp, that was when the tears really started going!

Even if you don’t have a Senior in this group, it’s worth clicking through below to watch when you have a minute. They express the magic of camp far better than we could. We are so proud of them!

We got to recognize 246 girls last night who have been at Greystone for 5 years or more. There are 54 Seniors in this group - 54 girls who leave their phones and lives at home to come back to camp for five weeks every year. They have committed themselves to this community, and they truly make camp better. Last night was just the first of many moments where we get to recognize them for their leadership and love for this place. It was very sweet.

One of the best aspects of camp is the routine we get into, especially in these middle weeks. We know what to expect and grow comfortable and secure. That makes the times we switch things up even more exciting, and today is one of those days!

There’s been lots of excitement in camp about the Women’s Soccer World Cup, and we wanted the girls to be able to watch the finals today at 11:00 am, so we’re doing Sunday a little bit different. We skipped Stumblers, had breakfast at 8:30, went to church at 10:00, and then had our USA gear and the game on by 11:00.

As I write this I can hear cheers from the Pavilion - I think this is going to be a moment we will remember from this year for a long time. Go USA!

After the game we will have a normal Sunday, with a long Rest Hour and free time in the afternoon. EP tonight is another concert, one we think the girls are going to love! This group is a little different than our usual Sunday concerts - we can’t wait to tell you more about them tomorrow.

  • Breakfast - Buffet with Sweet Georgia Muffins
  • Lunch - Beef Stroganoff
  • Dinner - Leftovers

Have a wonderful sabbath day!