Camp Is Almost Here!

My great-grandfather started Greystone 100 years ago. Back then there was only one session and it was eight weeks long! Every camper was new to the Greystone, no campers had ever gone to sleep away camp (it was not something girls did back then). Every single camp family was a trailblazer, trusting, and courageous. As it turned out, it was a slam dunk decision.

Most of those campers came back in 1921… everyone loved what camp camp provided and they wanted to return. It has been like this ever since. So relax, this is going to be a wonderful experience in every way.

We are comitted to providing the best camp possible. We have a top notch experienced staff, an amazing facility, a super fun program, and the perfect time of the summer to enjoy it all. The campers are going to grow in ways that surprise and delight.

Camp is the best sleep-away party ever! We make friends in a wide variety of settings (cabin, classes, dining hall, assemblies), learn skills, have fun, and gain confidence. While some think that the activities provide the most important part of the experience, the real value comes from the days spent here and the friendships we will make.

Camp friends are often the best friends in life. Those who have attended camp know this to be true. Time spent at camp has an amazing effect on character development (particularly unselfishness and thankfulness). Camp provides an experience of great value, we think you will be impressed.

A few hints:

  • Read the Blog The blog will walk you through every day, informing of what is happening and why it matters.
  • Write letters Go ahead and do three letters for the first three days of camp and leave it to be delivered on the appropriate day.
  • Don’t Worry We know some of you are nervous, but rest assured. This is a fantastic experience, the best two weeks of the summer!
  • Pray a lot Always good advice!

Opening Day:

  • We assign bunks so there is no need to rush to camp on Opening Day. If you come before 8:30, you can enjoy the photo booth, shop at the Greystone Store, get some camp swag, enjoy some hot coffee.
  • At 8:30 camp officially opens and you can move into the cabins.
  • We schedule after parents leave; this is important for growth and provides a great cabin bonding time. Allowing campers to take whatever classes they choose is part of the Greystone experience and we let them change their schedule anytime they want.

Thank you for sharing your girls for this Centennial Celebration Summer. This has been an amazying year and we can not wait to end it with our Best Session Ever!