A Big Week

Sleep Late Friday has never been so needed!

We have had a BIG week here, beginning with the Drew and Ellie concert, continuing with Challenge Day and Group Night, and culminating in a blowout Carnival last night. Needless to say, that extra hour of sleep this morning was sweet indeed.

About the Carnival though - it was incredible! The food was hot, the rides exciting, and the dance contest brought out moves like we’ve never seen before. At this point in camp, we’re settled in our friendships and the routine. We love our counselors, we love our cabin mates, and last night was an opportunity to just ENJOY the community we’ve been building over the last 2 weeks. The feel in camp was wonderful - relaxed and joyful.

We had perfect weather all the way through the Carnival, warm and slightly overcast. Right as we were praying to dismiss the girls to shower before fireworks later, dark clouds started rolling in. While the storm never really hit us, at the last minute we opted to delay the fireworks show until another time to stay warm and dry in our cabins. Group Leaders delivered the classic Bomb Pops to the cabins and morale wasn’t impacted in the least. It just gives us another moment to look forward to later!

Today will be filled with girls re-hashing the Carnival last night - what food they ate, who did which moves in the dance contest. We’ll all move a bit slower after the exciting week we’ve had, a change of pace that’s refreshing and needed.

Throughout the year we meticulously plan the camp calendar, building up excitement and energy and then bringing it down again to give the girls a rest. No one can maintain that crazy pace for 5 weeks! Tonight we’ll continue to wind down at our first Council Fire of the session. This will be a chance to reflect on our time together so far and talk about the important things that make camp great.

Today will be another day of perfect camp weather - highs in the upper 70’s and scattered showers in the afternoon. We could even have a long, rainy Rest Hour - the ultimate treat!

  • Breakfast: Chicken Biscuits
  • Lunch: BLT’s
  • Dinner: Chicken Country Captain

Thank you for trusting us with your girls - they are a delight. The session is already going far too quickly!