The Elephant In The Room

OK, let’s address the elephant in the room. Main Camp is super full this year. We have 603 campers, a record by a long shot. It is way more campers than we would normally have. You probably expected things to be “cozy” after getting that offer to get a full refund in February if you want to change plans. Even so, you might be wondering what this means… you might want to ask us some questions. Here is what I bet some of you are thinking:

Are you getting bigger? No! Many parents at June Camp assumed that we have decided to be a bigger camp. Actually, we are holding our enrollments at normal levels (about 500 campers) whenever possible. What makes it impossible at Main Camp is the Early Bird Enrollments (everyone wanted to enroll in Main Camp this year).

Why didn’t you change the Early Bird program? We considered major changes, but could not develop an alternative that reflected our core values (to be gracious, accepting, and loving). What is Early Bird if it only offers a chance of a spot? Any way you look at it, about 100 campers would have been rejected if we reduced our Early Bird program. 16% of our Main campers wouldn’t be here. It is really sad to think of it.

Were these enrollments a surprise? No! We knew this was going to be a popular summer and that Main Camp was going to be the most popular session.

Didn’t you consider anything else to curtail enrollments? We rejected the obvious “market solution” (raising tuition by a significant amount) as being “wrong”.

What was the basis of your thinking? That every year God gathers and protects this community. That every camper adds significantly to the experience of the whole. That in 99 years we have experienced a lavish provision of every need, “above what we could hope for or imagine”. Bottom line: we trust Him in every situation.

Where did you house the girls? We moved all Program Counselors from “above the road” and made 5 more camper cabins. Some existing cabins got an extra bunk, others got an extra cot. It actually worked really well (for campers and counselors alike).

What about the Dining Hall? Adult staff will have seating on the porch, easy!

What about classes? We have added a bunch of classes to the program (aerial yoga as a class, print making, etc.). We have added a 2,000 square foot arts building (taking over the old trail riding barn). We are fully utilizing the Thunderhead property for an upgraded trail riding program. Sign ups for classes just ended (it was the fastest enrollment time we have ever had - every camper scheduled by 11:35!). Program is handling the numbers very well.

Flag? Assembly? Council Fire? Done, Done, Done. Plans for everyone at every place. We aren’t at all concerned.

The bottom line: It is going to be a very special summer. The large number of campers will be a significant part of our experience.

C.S. Lewis wrote: It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest most uninteresting person you can talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship. So true. Each one of us add a spark of divinity to the group… more sparks, brighter light.

What could be better than that?