Thank You

June Camp is over, marking a major accomplishment for all. Campers and counselors alike sense that they have done something special. We formed an almost perfect community for a brief period of time. We ALL say Thank You.

  • Thank you Campers… you have been exceptional and worthy of our Centennial summer.

  • Thank you Counselors… you have worked all day every day for week after week; with big smiles and willing hearts representeing Jesus in every way. A beautiful demonstration of love.

  • Thank you Parents… your support, affirmation, and trust are the “wind beneith our wings”. Couldn’t do it without you.

Three weeks ago we began our session with a “royal reception”: a crowd of counselors cheering the campers into the Pavilion. We duplicated that moment last night as the campers entered the Dining Hall for our big banquet. It was a wonderful moment. A moment of delight, affirmation, and accomplishment; one of many that we hope the girls will remember long after they leave camp.

My prayers this summer have been prayers of gratitude. That sentiment has increased with June Camp. It has been a great session, about as perfect as we could hope. A blessing in every way.

Thank You for allowing us to be a part of your family. Thank you for supporting our camp.

My last gift to you are a few video’s that we have not yet shared. I know that the campers will LOVE THEM!

Thanks again.