
God made the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. He called that day the Sabboth and proclaimed it to be a blessing. Our bodies and minds call out for a day of rest every week, it is no different at camp. This has been a big week and while our “work” has been fun, we are ready for a change of pace. Today will have a slower pace and that is exactly what we need.

Anyone who does not want to sleep in gathers at the track for a running club (Greystone Stumblers) at 8:00. At least 300 girls showed up on a glorious sunny morning to run or walk three miles before breakfast at 9:00. We listen to the music, run, walk, talk, and enjoy the moment as a part of the group. It is fun and the girls look forward to the time. Our final week, we will hand out our prize (a cool custom t-shirt) to all who run at least three of our four Sundays.

Breakfast will be a light buffet of muffins, fruit, cereal, and juice. We then clean up the cabins, get showered up and dressed in our Sunday finest for Sunday School and Church. Our traditional Sunday worship time will of course be led by Matt and we look forward to worshiping together. Church is a place with deeply connected people gathered together to worship, by that definition Greystone will provide one of the best church services of the year.

My Great Grandfather was a minister, so our camp routines include a high view of worship that are continued to this day. Not out a sense of just “doing the same thing” but out of a sense of excellence. Last year we changed the format of our worship service in an attempt to make the hour better, surveys indicate the new format is a hit. A bit shorter, more music, offerings taken at the door rather than passed during the service, but the same sermon. Our goal is to assure that church services are a much appreciated blessing of camp.

After church we will enjoy a big “Sunday Dinner”, take a long nap, then have free activities all afternoon. Tonight we will have our first concert by the lake, a Main Camp tradition that involves bringing the very best music to the very best camp. The girls absolutely LOVE it!

Thank you for checking in, it’s a Great Day at Greystone!

Our First Week!