
We are not running Stumblers this morning… rained out… SO EXCITING!!!

I can not remember the last time we cancelled a Sunday Stumblers run, usually we are out there at 7:30 rain or shine. But this system is unpredictable. At some points yesterday our weather was as beautiful as we could ever hope for, at other points it was as awful as we could imagine. At one point yesterday afternoon the rain was falling so heavily we could not see the flag from the dining hall. Due to the potential of a cold wet mess, we cancelled Stumblers at dinner last night.

The girls are thrilled with this development (they can get a t-shirt by simply running one day instead of two). The counselors are thrilled to get an extra hour of sleep.

As I write this, the camp is still sleeping. The sound of rain on the roof is relaxing as I look over the lake, recalling memories of lazy sleep late days when I was a camper at Falling Creek. The relaxing roar of rain on a tin roof (it is much louder than you expect) is still the favorite sound of my youth. My heart rate slows even now as I hear the more subtle sound or rain in my office. What a great day!

We will serve a buffet breakfast at 9:00, have a couple hours to clean up our cabins, change the sheets, take hot showers, and get dressed for Sunday School and Church. Sunday School is done by cabin groups, Church will be in the Pavilion. We will eat a good lunch, take a long Rest Hour, enjoy free activities in the afternoon, a picnic dinner, then experience our first Council Fire. It is the very definition of restful, very good for everyone.

Thank you for checking in… even on a Sunday! I am always amazed at the number of parents who read the blog every day. Your appreciation of the simple experiences of camp are an encouragement to us all.

Have a Great Day!

P.S. Want to hear a great devotion this morning? Check out what the girls have been hearing this week from Sam Taaffe… he is really great!