
Last year our Head Staff studied a great book that inspired us to become more innovative with our camp routines. It is an awesome “common sense” wake-up call to anyone who provides growth experiences for children. The book is entitled The Power of Moments and their website describes it this way:

This book delves into some fascinating mysteries of experience: Why we tend to remember the best or worst moment of an experience, as well as the last moment, and forget the rest. Why “we feel most comfortable when things are certain, but we feel most alive when they’re not.” And why our most cherished memories are clustered into a brief period during our youth.

Moments are obviously a big part of a camp experience… they always have been. Reading how others have taken this concept to the next level was eye opening to us all. It inspired us to formalize a way of empowering our counselors to have fun with the “work” of camp. It spurred us to carefully craft experiences for our entire community that are worthy of a significant camp experience. Every aspect of camp (the cabin, the dining hall table, every class, every EP) is a canvas on which to paint a moment. Every rain storm, skinned knee, or mistake is an opportunity to embrace. We work to provide a session that provides such moments for campers and counselors alike. Our plan calls for this to be a week of moments!

Carnival was an EP that provided exactly that. We had a blast and are still talking about our favorite memories. Breakfast Club this morning featured the story about the Buckhead Bunny (AKA Hairspray), a joke that is usually remembered long after camp is over. Classes are providing special challenges at unexpected times. And the weather is making it even better!

The air is cool and dry (a low pressure system has dropped temperatures 15 degrees below average highs this time of year), making it feel more like San Diego than Tuxedo. At some point every summer this kind of weather pattern occurs and each time is wonderful.

The girls are emotionally in the perfect place to enjoy the perfect weather. They have adjusted to camp life, they are feeling confident in their activities and the bells and bugles are understood without thinking. The camp is full of the happy sounds that mark our routines (music, laughter, and encouraging cheers). Life is good.

It is hard to believe that in one week we will have our closing banquet. Time passes quickly at camp. A blink of the eye and it is over… we are doing our best to make each moment count.

Thank you for making it possible!

  • Breakfast: French Toast (homemade bread makes it special)
  • Lunch: Parmesian Chicken and Pasta Salad
  • Dinner: Chicken Taco’s
  • EP: Movie Night

Leland rushed out a video from the carnival last night… Enjoy!